Argan oil benefits for your hair
Argan oil has many benefits for your health; they can range from very simple and easy to notice to outstanding and long-term benefits.
There are many Argan oil benefits for your hair that most magazines are never going to talk about because they are simply too complex and too boring to write about, this is what this post is going to do, telling you about every benefit Argan oil can have on your hair.
To understand this benefit, you need to understand where Argan oil comes from.
Argan oil comes from Morocco and more precisely the Sous region, it’s a region in the South of Morroco known for its dry weather and very harsh temperatures, however, if you visit this region, you are going to be surprised by how beautiful women's hair is and how shiny and strong it looks!
This is very simple to understand, Argan oil is going to create a protective shield for your hair, this protective shield is going to stop humidity, dry weather, and sun exposure from damaging it.
This protective layer is going to make your hair very shiny and resistant to pollution, humidity, and heat.
Another amazing benefit of Argan oil on your hair is that it will trap the moisture inside your hair, this would result in a very soft and beautiful hair on the touch and on the look.
Argan oil contains different fatty acids that are going to cover your hairs and protect them, this will prevent your hair from becoming dry and breakable. It’s because these fatty acids are going to protect your hair and trap the moisture inside.
This is how Argan oil is going to make your hair less dry and breakable.
Argan oil contains different substances that are very healthy, but the most important ones are the antioxidants, especially vitamin E.
Vitamin E has been proven scientifically to be very nutritious for your hair and to be very stimulating for hair growth.
This is how Argan oil is going to help your hair grow faster, by providing a safe environment for new hair to develop and grow.
With our modern diets, we tend to have very limited and reduced amounts of antioxidants, this is going to reflect poorly on our health and especially our hair, because the new hairs are very weak and fragile, they require balanced amounts of antioxidants.
If your new hairs don't get enough antioxidants, they will get damaged very easily and they will stop growing and even fall!
That’s why Argan oil is very important for growing healthier and stronger hair.
As explained before, Argan oil is going to trap the moisture inside your hair, this is not only very helpful for making your hair stay very shiny and less dry, but it’s also very helpful for making your hair very soft on the touch.
I know many Moroccan women who would add Argan oil to their shampoo, this will give them a very soft and silky hair.
Another important factor for softening your hair is Argan oil’s low acidity levels.
Most conventional shampoos have high acidity levels in order to get rid of dirt, however this acidity is very damaging for your hair and it’s going to make your hair very weak and damaged!
By applying Argan oil to your hair, you are going to get a very soft and less damaged hair because it will balance your hair’s acidity levels.
Argan oil is going to make your hair less frizzy and very beautiful.
If your hair is brittle and very damaged, Argan oil will repair it.
Argan oil contains essential fatty acids that are necessary for your hair growth and hair strength, these fatty acids are going to provide your hair an ideal environment for recovering and repairing itself.
Most companies are going to tell you that they their products are going to repair your hair, but this is not true, only your hair can impair itself, and Argan oil is going to give your hair all the necessary materials for repairing itself and becoming very healthy and attractive.
Your hair is greasy by nature and most oils that you are going to apply and use are going to make it look and feel even greasier, it’s because they are not suitable for your hair and they are not balanced with the natural oils in your hair.
This is not the case with Argan oil, it’s going to be absorbed totally by your hair!
This is why your hair is not going to feel and be greasy, your hair is going to look shinier and healthier by just applying a small amount of Argan oil.
Argan oil contains natural oils that are going to be absorbed by your hair very quickly, these oils are going to make your hair keep its internal moisture, this means that when you are washing your hair, your hair is not going to retain external water, this will reduce the drying time dramatically.
This will also make your hair highly manageable, especially when you are using heat treatments.
This means that when you apply heat treatments to your hair, it’s going to be easier to work with and to style.
In other words, you will not need other styling products.
The best way to get all Argan oil benefits for your hair is by using pure Argan oil and staying away from cheap brands.
Argan oil is expensive, don't expect to buy it cheaply, even here in Morocco it’s very expensive, but the beautiful thing is that you don't need a lot.
It’s because Argan oil is very effective for treating and repairing your hair and if you apply a lot, you are simply going to waste it.
Just some few drops in the palm of your hands are more than enough to help your hair stay strong, healthy and shiny.
These are the most important Argan oil benefits for your hair. Please feel free to ask questions in comments or share your experience with us.
There are many Argan oil benefits for your hair that most magazines are never going to talk about because they are simply too complex and too boring to write about, this is what this post is going to do, telling you about every benefit Argan oil can have on your hair.
The first benefit of Argan oil on your hair is making it shinier.

Argan oil comes from Morocco and more precisely the Sous region, it’s a region in the South of Morroco known for its dry weather and very harsh temperatures, however, if you visit this region, you are going to be surprised by how beautiful women's hair is and how shiny and strong it looks!
This is very simple to understand, Argan oil is going to create a protective shield for your hair, this protective shield is going to stop humidity, dry weather, and sun exposure from damaging it.
This protective layer is going to make your hair very shiny and resistant to pollution, humidity, and heat.
The second benefit of Argan oil on your hair is making it less dry and breakable.
Another amazing benefit of Argan oil on your hair is that it will trap the moisture inside your hair, this would result in a very soft and beautiful hair on the touch and on the look.
Argan oil contains different fatty acids that are going to cover your hairs and protect them, this will prevent your hair from becoming dry and breakable. It’s because these fatty acids are going to protect your hair and trap the moisture inside.
This is how Argan oil is going to make your hair less dry and breakable.
The third Argan oil benefit for your hair is boosting hair growth.

Vitamin E has been proven scientifically to be very nutritious for your hair and to be very stimulating for hair growth.
This is how Argan oil is going to help your hair grow faster, by providing a safe environment for new hair to develop and grow.
With our modern diets, we tend to have very limited and reduced amounts of antioxidants, this is going to reflect poorly on our health and especially our hair, because the new hairs are very weak and fragile, they require balanced amounts of antioxidants.
If your new hairs don't get enough antioxidants, they will get damaged very easily and they will stop growing and even fall!
That’s why Argan oil is very important for growing healthier and stronger hair.
The fourth benefit’s softening your hair.
As explained before, Argan oil is going to trap the moisture inside your hair, this is not only very helpful for making your hair stay very shiny and less dry, but it’s also very helpful for making your hair very soft on the touch.
I know many Moroccan women who would add Argan oil to their shampoo, this will give them a very soft and silky hair.
Another important factor for softening your hair is Argan oil’s low acidity levels.
Most conventional shampoos have high acidity levels in order to get rid of dirt, however this acidity is very damaging for your hair and it’s going to make your hair very weak and damaged!
By applying Argan oil to your hair, you are going to get a very soft and less damaged hair because it will balance your hair’s acidity levels.
Argan oil is going to make your hair less frizzy and very beautiful.
The fifth benefit of Argan oil for your hair is repairing and strengthening it.
If your hair is brittle and very damaged, Argan oil will repair it.
Argan oil contains essential fatty acids that are necessary for your hair growth and hair strength, these fatty acids are going to provide your hair an ideal environment for recovering and repairing itself.
Most companies are going to tell you that they their products are going to repair your hair, but this is not true, only your hair can impair itself, and Argan oil is going to give your hair all the necessary materials for repairing itself and becoming very healthy and attractive.
The sixth benefit of Argan oil on your hair is making it less greasy.
Your hair is greasy by nature and most oils that you are going to apply and use are going to make it look and feel even greasier, it’s because they are not suitable for your hair and they are not balanced with the natural oils in your hair.
This is not the case with Argan oil, it’s going to be absorbed totally by your hair!
This is why your hair is not going to feel and be greasy, your hair is going to look shinier and healthier by just applying a small amount of Argan oil.
The seventh benefit of Argan oil on your hair is reducing drying time and making it more manageable.
Argan oil contains natural oils that are going to be absorbed by your hair very quickly, these oils are going to make your hair keep its internal moisture, this means that when you are washing your hair, your hair is not going to retain external water, this will reduce the drying time dramatically.
This will also make your hair highly manageable, especially when you are using heat treatments.
This means that when you apply heat treatments to your hair, it’s going to be easier to work with and to style.
In other words, you will not need other styling products.
How to apply Argan oil for getting the maximum benefits for your hair?
The best way to get all Argan oil benefits for your hair is by using pure Argan oil and staying away from cheap brands.
Argan oil is expensive, don't expect to buy it cheaply, even here in Morocco it’s very expensive, but the beautiful thing is that you don't need a lot.
The second advice is to only use a small quantity.
It’s because Argan oil is very effective for treating and repairing your hair and if you apply a lot, you are simply going to waste it.
Just some few drops in the palm of your hands are more than enough to help your hair stay strong, healthy and shiny.
These are the most important Argan oil benefits for your hair. Please feel free to ask questions in comments or share your experience with us.
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