How to use argan oil on your face

Indeed, argan oil is very healthy for your skin but the true miracles are going to happen when it is applied on your face.
In our daily lives, our faces are constantly assaulted by pollutants, harsh chemicals, changing temperatures, and aggressive sun rays, these make the skin and face really weak, and they are also the main reason why so many people are going to develop skin problems like dryness, wrinkles, acne, pimples and even cancers!
A way to get around this is to start using argan oil on your face daily.
Here are the main benefits of Argan oil on your face:
- Get rid of pimples and acne.
The most amazing and helpful nutrient in argan oil is vitamin E, which is a very powerful antioxidant that will help the skin rebuild and protect itself.
The vitamin E found in argan oil is going to help the sebaceous glands control the sebum production, and you need to understand that excess sebum production is the main cause of having pimples and acne on the face.
Another important factor that makes argan oil very useful for your face is the fact that it will get rid of skin infections very easily, which is also going to slow down the appearance of pimples and acne.
- Reduce skin dryness
if you live in a place where the environments is very harsh, then your face is going to suffer a lot and it’s going to become dry very quickly.
That’s why you need to start applying argan oil on your face, it’s going to help it stay moist and firm all day long.
Argan oil contains many essential fatty acids that are not only very good at making your skin very moist, indeed, these fatty acids found in argan oil are going to trap moisture inside your skin, but they are also very effective at protecting it, giving it a natural and beautiful look and also an attractive firmness.
It’s this firmness that will protect your skin and make it very robust when it comes to harsh weather and harsh environments.
Argan oil has been used widely for hundreds of years by the people of the South of Morocco, they live in an area which is extremely dry and very low in humidity, yet they have one of the healthiest and beautiful skins and hair is in the world.
This is all thanks to using Argan oil daily.
- Reduce skin wrinkles
Skin wrinkles are essentially linked to having low amounts of antioxidants, argan oil is one of the most antioxidant rich oils to apply on your face, it contains vitamin E which is a very powerful antioxidant and also many flavonoids and phenols that are considered to be the champions of antioxidants.
Now, let's talk about how to apply Argan oil on your face?
The best way for you to get all the benefits of Argan oil on your face is to apply it daily, you don't need to use a huge amount, a few drops a day are more than enough.
Women here in the South of Morocco simply apply about one teaspoon of extra virgin Argan oil daily on their faces and on their hands, this is going to keep them protected all day long.
I highly recommend you do the same, every day , when you wake up, apply argan oil on your face and on your hands without neglecting any parts of your face.
Using argan oil for your face will show positive results very quickly, in fact within the first two weeks.
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