Can argan oil cure acne?
When I was young, I had very difficult moments with acne; it literally invaded my face and back, it left me bad stretch marks and made me extremely self-conscious!
I'm not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me, I'm only writing this because right now I don't have any acne in my face nor my back!
It’s not because I started a new drug, it’s because I started using argan oil daily.
So, can argan oil cure acne?
For me, it did!
It’s true, argan oil alone may not have the same positive effects as it did with me, I changed my diet and started exposing my skin to sunlight more, but what I’m saying is that argan oil is amazing for acne.
Yes, it will work for you.
Here are the reasons why:
Antiseptic simply means that it can kill germs and bacteria efficiently.
Most people don't know this, they think that acne forms in the face because of fat accumulation, but acne is going to appear when a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes is going to increase in number inside your sebaceous glands and cause inflammations.
These inflammations are the ones responsible for making your acne pimples have "heads".
When the acne inflammations are at their first stage, the heads are going to be white, then when the inflammations become more violent, the heads are going to turn red!
By applying argan oil every day to your acne pimples, you are going to limit the spread and the population of Propionibacterium acnes and this is going to cause your acne pimples to dwindle and disappear shortly.
However, I do not recommend using argan oil alone for curing acne, argan oil must be mixed with another very important oil that has been proven too for getting rid of acne, this amazing oil is called tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil also has great antiseptic properties, when combined with argan oil, it will become merciless on the acne pimples!!!
You will thank me for it, I promise!
Argan oil is extremely nutritious, it has many beneficial fatty acids that are going to nourish and protect your skin.
Once you start using argan oil daily on your skin and acne pimples, you are going to notice more softness, health, good looking tone and most importantly a clear skin.
That is why I highly recommend that you start using argan oil for acne as soon as possible don’t wait more.
So, how to use argan oil for treating your acne pimples?
It’s very easy; however you need first to slow down the most contributing factor for having acne in the first place.
It’s eating too much greasy and fatty food.
Slow down on grease and fats, they are not only bad for your waistline, they are extremely dangerous for your skin because they are going to increase the production of sebum, the oil produced by your skin, and are also going to increase the chances of clogging your sebaceous glands and forming acne pimples.
You need to avoid dairy products in general for at least three months, forget about their calcium, you can get it by eating greens, also avoid eating anything that has been fried in oil!!
The next step is to mix one teaspoon of argan oil, pure argan oil untreated and unprocessed, with a quarter of a teaspoon of tea tree oil.
Every day, take a cotton piece and apply this amazing oil mixture, your acne is going to start disappearing within two weeks.
I'm not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me, I'm only writing this because right now I don't have any acne in my face nor my back!
It’s not because I started a new drug, it’s because I started using argan oil daily.
So, can argan oil cure acne?
For me, it did!

Yes, it will work for you.
Here are the reasons why:
- The first important reason is argan oil has antiseptic properties
Antiseptic simply means that it can kill germs and bacteria efficiently.
Most people don't know this, they think that acne forms in the face because of fat accumulation, but acne is going to appear when a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes is going to increase in number inside your sebaceous glands and cause inflammations.
These inflammations are the ones responsible for making your acne pimples have "heads".
When the acne inflammations are at their first stage, the heads are going to be white, then when the inflammations become more violent, the heads are going to turn red!
By applying argan oil every day to your acne pimples, you are going to limit the spread and the population of Propionibacterium acnes and this is going to cause your acne pimples to dwindle and disappear shortly.
However, I do not recommend using argan oil alone for curing acne, argan oil must be mixed with another very important oil that has been proven too for getting rid of acne, this amazing oil is called tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil also has great antiseptic properties, when combined with argan oil, it will become merciless on the acne pimples!!!
You will thank me for it, I promise!
- The next reason why argan oil is amazing for acne is because it’s going to restore your skin’s health
Argan oil is extremely nutritious, it has many beneficial fatty acids that are going to nourish and protect your skin.
Once you start using argan oil daily on your skin and acne pimples, you are going to notice more softness, health, good looking tone and most importantly a clear skin.
That is why I highly recommend that you start using argan oil for acne as soon as possible don’t wait more.
So, how to use argan oil for treating your acne pimples?
It’s very easy; however you need first to slow down the most contributing factor for having acne in the first place.
It’s eating too much greasy and fatty food.
Slow down on grease and fats, they are not only bad for your waistline, they are extremely dangerous for your skin because they are going to increase the production of sebum, the oil produced by your skin, and are also going to increase the chances of clogging your sebaceous glands and forming acne pimples.
You need to avoid dairy products in general for at least three months, forget about their calcium, you can get it by eating greens, also avoid eating anything that has been fried in oil!!
The next step is to mix one teaspoon of argan oil, pure argan oil untreated and unprocessed, with a quarter of a teaspoon of tea tree oil.
Every day, take a cotton piece and apply this amazing oil mixture, your acne is going to start disappearing within two weeks.
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