Argan hot oil hair treatment secrets
It’s easy, it’s fun, it’s sexy and it’s nutritious for your hair!
I'm talking about using argan hot oil hair treatments, they are probably one of the healthiest and one of the safest products you can use on your hair.
Usually, hot oil hair treatments are done using olive oil, jojoba oil or castor oil, these are amazing natural oils, but they can't be compared to argan oil, it’s much richer, healthier and contains essential fatty acids that are amazingly helpful for your hair.
Indeed, argan hot oil hair treatments are amazing for your hair, they are going to help you grow new hairs and also unclog and help your scalp develop and increase its blood circulation, it’s warm and it’s going to get rid of the yeasts and bacteria that are preventing your scalp from growing you an amazingly beautiful hair.
Most importantly, argan oil is very good for protecting your hair and making it look silky and beautiful almost immediately.
Argan hot oil hair treatments are also amazing for getting rid of dandruffs, and even preventing the occurrence of split ends and are also very useful for making your hair grow thicker.
Here are the steps you need to apply argan hot oil treatment to your hair:
One advice: never use argan oil with synthetic chemical compounds, always look for the purists and organic argan oil, it’s true that it’s going to cost more, but it’s healthier and does not contain additives that are going to increase hair shedding and make your scalp inflamed!
Make sure the argan oil container you buy is tightly closed as the oil can go rancid very quickly due to oxygen.
If you are on a short budget, you can always mix argan oil with olive oil, however the ratio should never exceed 2 to 1, in other words, for every two tablespoons of argan oil, you should add one tablespoon of olive oil.
This is a very useful technique for preserving argan oil for later use and olive oil is also very nourishing for your hair and extremely safe.
If you neglect this step, argan hot oil hair treatments are not going to work efficiently for you, your hair must be clean and free of dead skin cells and other dirt, try to not use hair products like hair sprays and creams for at least two days before applying the hot oil hair treatment, as these are going to prevent the argan hot oil from protecting your hair follicles and healing damaged hairs.
Even though this technique is called argan hot oil hair treatment, you should never heat argan oil directly on fire!
It’s going to destroy its amazing nutritional value and disturbed its molecular structure, that is why you should first boil water in a saucepan for example and then place three tablespoons of argan oil, or a mix of argan oil and olive oil in a ceramic bowl and then place it in the boiling water.
I highly recommend that you add also some few drops of tea tree oil, just one or two, it’s a fantastic antifungal essential oil.
Let the oil mixture warm for 3 to 5 minutes, however it should not be very hot, you should be able to put your finger in it without burning yourself, it should be just a little above room temperature, which is why it needs constant monitoring.
Then take the hot argan oil from the boiling water.
In order to allow this argan hot oil hair treatment to penetrate your hairs efficiently, this latter must be wet, however not soaking, just damp.
Now, dip your fingers into the warm argan hot oil and start massaging both your hair and scalp thoroughly.
Work your way from your hair roots to the ends, make sure you focus on the ends a lot because they are the most weakest parts of your hair.
In this step, you should be careful as to not let the argan hot oil become warm and cold, that is why you should also cover your hair with a thick towel, this way you are going to let your body temperature keep the oil hot and let it penetrate your hairs efficiently.
The final step is to wash your hair with an organic shampoo, one that does not contain sulfur, sulfates or alcohols.
You should repeat this argan hot oil hair treatment every month, it’s very nourishing and it’s going to get rid of your dandruffs and prevent split ends from happening.
I'm talking about using argan hot oil hair treatments, they are probably one of the healthiest and one of the safest products you can use on your hair.
Usually, hot oil hair treatments are done using olive oil, jojoba oil or castor oil, these are amazing natural oils, but they can't be compared to argan oil, it’s much richer, healthier and contains essential fatty acids that are amazingly helpful for your hair.

Most importantly, argan oil is very good for protecting your hair and making it look silky and beautiful almost immediately.
Argan hot oil hair treatments are also amazing for getting rid of dandruffs, and even preventing the occurrence of split ends and are also very useful for making your hair grow thicker.
Here are the steps you need to apply argan hot oil treatment to your hair:
- The first important step is to get quality argan oil.
One advice: never use argan oil with synthetic chemical compounds, always look for the purists and organic argan oil, it’s true that it’s going to cost more, but it’s healthier and does not contain additives that are going to increase hair shedding and make your scalp inflamed!
Make sure the argan oil container you buy is tightly closed as the oil can go rancid very quickly due to oxygen.
If you are on a short budget, you can always mix argan oil with olive oil, however the ratio should never exceed 2 to 1, in other words, for every two tablespoons of argan oil, you should add one tablespoon of olive oil.
This is a very useful technique for preserving argan oil for later use and olive oil is also very nourishing for your hair and extremely safe.
- The second step is to wash your hair.
If you neglect this step, argan hot oil hair treatments are not going to work efficiently for you, your hair must be clean and free of dead skin cells and other dirt, try to not use hair products like hair sprays and creams for at least two days before applying the hot oil hair treatment, as these are going to prevent the argan hot oil from protecting your hair follicles and healing damaged hairs.
- The third step is to boil some water!
Even though this technique is called argan hot oil hair treatment, you should never heat argan oil directly on fire!
It’s going to destroy its amazing nutritional value and disturbed its molecular structure, that is why you should first boil water in a saucepan for example and then place three tablespoons of argan oil, or a mix of argan oil and olive oil in a ceramic bowl and then place it in the boiling water.
I highly recommend that you add also some few drops of tea tree oil, just one or two, it’s a fantastic antifungal essential oil.
Let the oil mixture warm for 3 to 5 minutes, however it should not be very hot, you should be able to put your finger in it without burning yourself, it should be just a little above room temperature, which is why it needs constant monitoring.
Then take the hot argan oil from the boiling water.
- Now to the next step: your hair should be wet.
In order to allow this argan hot oil hair treatment to penetrate your hairs efficiently, this latter must be wet, however not soaking, just damp.
Now, dip your fingers into the warm argan hot oil and start massaging both your hair and scalp thoroughly.
Work your way from your hair roots to the ends, make sure you focus on the ends a lot because they are the most weakest parts of your hair.
- The next step is to use a thick and new shower cap, and wait for 20 to 30 minutes.
In this step, you should be careful as to not let the argan hot oil become warm and cold, that is why you should also cover your hair with a thick towel, this way you are going to let your body temperature keep the oil hot and let it penetrate your hairs efficiently.
The final step is to wash your hair with an organic shampoo, one that does not contain sulfur, sulfates or alcohols.
You should repeat this argan hot oil hair treatment every month, it’s very nourishing and it’s going to get rid of your dandruffs and prevent split ends from happening.
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