How to apply argan oil to your hair
One of the most important benefits of argan oil is treating and healing your hair, indeed, it’s going to nourish and protect it from the inside and outside.
Argan oil is extremely rich in nutrients such as vitamin E and essential fatty acids that are going to both create protection around your hair and also help it grow and stay healthy for long time.
Not only that, argan oil is also responsible for making your hair extremely beautiful, silky and smooth looking.
Because it’s going to create a "special" coating around your hairs, argan oil is going to enhance their original color, give them shine and resistance to damages from the environment like sunlight, humidity and heat.
However, most women do not know how to apply argan oil for their hair!
They think that the best way to apply argan oil is to apply some few drops on their hairs and start massaging with their fingers!
However, this is not the best way for you to get all the benefits of argan oil, you need to start using it wisely and with the right technique.
So, how to apply argan oil for your hair?
It’s quite easy; you need also to add a very important nutrient to it.
When you buy argan oil for the first time, you may think that it’s all you will ever need for your hair, however, most argan oil sold today are not going to contain a lot of an amazing nutrient, it’s coconut oil.
Unfortunately, argan oil is not the best source of vitamin E, it’s nevertheless extremely important for maintaining beautiful and healthy hair, but if you can add more to it by adding coconut oil, you will make it much more valuable and essential for your hair.
That is why the first step to using argan oil for your hair is to add coconut oil.
I highly advise you to get organic coconut oil, it’s an amazing substance that will enrich your pure argan oil and make it much healthier.
However, you need to respect a very important ratio: 5 to 10.
This means that for every ten teaspoons of argan oil, you need to add five teaspoon of pure coconut oil.
If you have a sensitive scalp or a weak skin, then you need to increase this ratio: 7 to 10.
The next step is to warm it first
If you apply cold argan oil, it’s not going to be as efficient and as healthy for your hair because it’s most important role is exfoliating and increasing micro-circulation in your scalp.
That is why you need to warm argan oil before applying it, you can do as little as pour some few drops of argan oil on to the palm of your hands and warm it a little, then apply to your hair and especially to your scalp.
However, the best technique for you to warm your argan oil is to take a teaspoon filled with it and put it on top of warm water for some few minutes, you can also put about two teaspoons in a dark glass container, a small one that has a sprayer and do the same thing, it’s going to give your oil the right temperature to be as much beneficial for your hair and scalp as possible.
In fact, when applying argan oil for your hair, you should put more focus on your scalp because it’s the one responsible for growing your hair and make it either look healthy and beautiful or sick and damaged.

Not only that, argan oil is also responsible for making your hair extremely beautiful, silky and smooth looking.
Because it’s going to create a "special" coating around your hairs, argan oil is going to enhance their original color, give them shine and resistance to damages from the environment like sunlight, humidity and heat.
However, most women do not know how to apply argan oil for their hair!
They think that the best way to apply argan oil is to apply some few drops on their hairs and start massaging with their fingers!
However, this is not the best way for you to get all the benefits of argan oil, you need to start using it wisely and with the right technique.
So, how to apply argan oil for your hair?
It’s quite easy; you need also to add a very important nutrient to it.
When you buy argan oil for the first time, you may think that it’s all you will ever need for your hair, however, most argan oil sold today are not going to contain a lot of an amazing nutrient, it’s coconut oil.
Unfortunately, argan oil is not the best source of vitamin E, it’s nevertheless extremely important for maintaining beautiful and healthy hair, but if you can add more to it by adding coconut oil, you will make it much more valuable and essential for your hair.
That is why the first step to using argan oil for your hair is to add coconut oil.
I highly advise you to get organic coconut oil, it’s an amazing substance that will enrich your pure argan oil and make it much healthier.
However, you need to respect a very important ratio: 5 to 10.
This means that for every ten teaspoons of argan oil, you need to add five teaspoon of pure coconut oil.
If you have a sensitive scalp or a weak skin, then you need to increase this ratio: 7 to 10.
The next step is to warm it first
If you apply cold argan oil, it’s not going to be as efficient and as healthy for your hair because it’s most important role is exfoliating and increasing micro-circulation in your scalp.
That is why you need to warm argan oil before applying it, you can do as little as pour some few drops of argan oil on to the palm of your hands and warm it a little, then apply to your hair and especially to your scalp.
However, the best technique for you to warm your argan oil is to take a teaspoon filled with it and put it on top of warm water for some few minutes, you can also put about two teaspoons in a dark glass container, a small one that has a sprayer and do the same thing, it’s going to give your oil the right temperature to be as much beneficial for your hair and scalp as possible.
In fact, when applying argan oil for your hair, you should put more focus on your scalp because it’s the one responsible for growing your hair and make it either look healthy and beautiful or sick and damaged.
Holy cow, thank you so much for posting this my friend! It's going to help me buy Argan Oil at the grocery store! Awesome!