Can you use fish oil for stretch marks?

Can you use fish oil for stretch marks? The answer is no!

Stop thinking that fish oil is good for anything, I have tried it myself and I know from fact that it's very dangerous for our health!

There are so many reports and scientific studies that talk about the heavy metals found in fish oil and how they are destroying our health, especially our hair and skin!

So, the idea of using fish oil for stretch marks is just foolish and will never work, in fact, it will make them become much more visible and noticeable!

So, what to do?

Well, if you have fish oil, the first thing to do is to throw it away, because it's just dangerous for your health, and whether you have it in capsules or in bulk, you should get rid of it, because it's not good for anything, it's just dangerous!

I'm not going to tell you that I'm a fanatic or that I'm an extremist when it comes to food, but fish oil is definitely one of the worst enemies of your skin and your whole health as well, just read the following studies, especially their conclusions:

  • Now, what to do when it comes to your stretch marks?

I have shared in many of my previous posts lots of recipes to use for getting rid of stretch marks, and this is by far the most efficient one:

Every day, I want you to use the following oil mixture on your stretch marks, massage them very gently and try to use as much as three drops on each one:

Take five tablespoons of argan oil to which you are going to add five drops of lavender oil and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil.

Mix everything very well in a dark glass container and apply on a daily basis on each individual stretch mark you have, this is by far one of the easiest and most efficient ways to get rid of your stretch marks in a very quick way.

And when it comes to fish oil, you have to stay away from it, it's just dangerous and it will cause you so many health problems and troubles later on.

Please, if you have a question related to fish oil and stretch marks, don't hesitate to ask me, I'm here to help you.


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