How to use rosehip oil for acne

Using rosehip oil for acne shouldn't be difficult, in fact, applying some few drops on the palm of your hands and then massaging your skin and acne pimples is more than enough to get rid of them, however, because most people vary in skin types and also in their resistance to diseases, I'm going to give you a fantastic recipe which is not only going to reduce your acne pimples, but will also use rosehip oil to get rid of your acne completely and in a very quick way!

Most people are afraid of using natural and essential oils because they think that they are going to harm themselves, well, this is true, with most essential oils, if you don't know what you are doing, you will end up hurting yourself and even damage and your skin more!

I have had this happen to me in the past, I used half a teaspoon of tea tree oil directly onto my arms and I suffered for three days, I even thought about going to the hospital because I was crying from pain!

I don't want this happening to you, I only want you to get rid of your acne pimples easily and efficiently, and this is the reason why you need to use the recipe I'm going to show you, it relies on rosehip oil and another fatty acid which is very powerful as well.

So, in a dark glass container, add five teaspoons of rosehip oil and five teaspoons of argan oil, which is very important for moisturizing your skin and giving it a great look while also increasing its protection, then, add one teaspoon of tea tree oil.

Yes, I want you to use tea tree oil because it contains powerful antibacterial and antifungal agents, here, we are only interested in its antibacterial properties, in other words, tea tree oil is going to get rid of the bacteria that are causing your acne in the first place.

Now, I want you to massage your face and other acne damaged area using this oil on a daily basis, don't exceed one teaspoon a day, in fact, you should use half a teaspoon in the morning and half a teaspoon before you go to bed.

One more very important thing: because this oil blend contains tea tree oil, I don't want it to come near your eyes, don't use it near your nose and mouth either, just be careful, this is all I'm asking you.

Within two weeks of using this recipe, you will find your acne pimples decreasing in size dramatically and soon, you will feel amazing about your skin, you will have fantastic skin complexion and after just two months, it will clear out completely!

One more very important thing: you should cut down on dairy products altogether!

Indeed, to have success using rosehip oil for acne, you need to cut down on dairy, and if you keep on consuming them, then, you have only yourself to blame!

I say this because I know that this is probably the most influential cause of acne, and as I have tried myself, when you cut down on milk, cheese, cream etc. Your pimples are going to reduce in size and in frequency of appearance as well and soon, they will completely disappear!

Please, if you have a question about using rosehip oil for acne, don't hesitate to post it in the section below, I will be very happy to help you out:


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