Does emu oil clog pores?

Does emu oil clog pores?

The answer is: we don't know!

I'm sure that this is going to surprise most of you, but it's the truth, and it is so because most emu oil sold nowadays is probably fake!

I say this because I have tried so many emu oil brands in the past and so many types which offer varying colors, varying texture and even varying smell!

It's certain, most emu oil sold nowadays is either mixed with other fatty acids or it's not pure emu oil at all!

However, if you happen to be lucky and find a good quality emu oil that's authentic, then, yes, it's comodogenic, I'm sure, in other words, it's going to clog your pores.

And here is why:

Emu oil contains saturated fatty acids; these are solid at room temperature, especially when it's cold so, if you apply a lot, then, it can clog your pores!

However, what I want you to do is to avoid using emu oil altogether for your skin!

I'm sure that this is not what you were expecting me to write, but it's the truth, emu oil should be avoided since most manufacturers are going to use low-quality ones, and even if you happen to find quality brands, they are going to be mixed with other fatty acids because emu oil is very expensive and its quality varies a lot from one producer to another, in fact, I've contacted some in Australia who were producing emu fat who told me that when they change the birds' diet just a little, the oil is going to vary tremendously and it will not have the same texture, color, and smell, which is bad for business according to them!

So, if you find a brand which offers same quality emu oil, then, it is probably fake!

And to tell you the truth, I don't like using fake products on my skin!

To conclude, emu oil in its pure and authentic form is going to probably clog your pores, but I don't want you to use it because most brands are not going to offer quality ones.


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