Red tea benefits for your skin

In this post, I'm going to talk about the amazing benefits of red tea for your skin, and most importantly, how you can use it efficiently.

I keep receiving so many questions and comments about the best beverages to drink in order to have a fantastic skin, people tend to think that there is a "secret" drink they can enjoy, which is bitter and very rare that will give them fantastic skin!

Well, when I tell them that they can just drink green or black tea, they are surprised and most of them don't even believe me!

So, today I'm going to talk about a very important beverage for your health which is also very beneficial for your skin as well, it's red tea.

And here, I'm not talking about rooibos tea; I'm talking about red tea. It looks like black tea, it's just a little less dark and it's also derived from the tea plant, however, it has a much sweeter and aromatic taste and is very popular in Arab countries, especially Syria, and Turkey as well, however, it's not in Western countries.

Anyway, a friend of mine told me about red tea and its amazing benefits for the skin, so, I'm going to write this post to also tell you about how to use it for this purpose.

But first, here are the most important benefits of red tea:

  • It contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.

The most important benefits of red tea for your skin is its anti-inflammatory compounds.

Although red tea doesn't have lots of antioxidants compared to green or even black tea, it's nonetheless one of the best beverage is you can drink in order to have a fantastically beautiful skin because it will reduce inflammations in your whole body.

When you have fewer inflammations in your body, you will have more resources for your skin and soon, you will feel amazing because you will have very low pain levels, which is very important to have a fantastic glow and beautiful skin as well.

  • It also reduces oxidative stress.

As mentioned before, red tea doesn't have lots of antioxidants, however, compared to other drinks, it's very rich in these fantastic compounds, especially phenols, and drinking it on a daily or even weekly basis is going to reduce oxidative stress in your body.

Because a lot of people are suffering from high levels of oxidation in their bodies, they will develop premature aging symptoms, from brown spots to even wrinkles and loose skin.

Well, by drinking red tea regularly, you will lower the occurrence of these symptoms dramatically.

  • It has lots of antifungal and antibacterial properties.

As with green tea and black tea, red tea is also very rich in antifungal and antibacterial properties, they are very important because they will cleanse your body from dangerous bacteria which toxins are very damaging for your health, not only that, but if your immune system is weak, your skin is going to look pale and weak as well, so, drinking red tea will help stimulate your defense mechanisms and it will lower the number of bacteria and funguses in your body which is going to improve the way your skin looks tremendously.

  • And it soothes the mood and reduces stress.

When you are stressed, it shows!

This is one of the most important things you need to understand about our biology and psychology as well.

In order to have a fantastically beautiful skin, you need to always be on a great mood, in fact, when you are feeling happy, absolutely no stress and no worries, your skin is going to look fantastic, no matter what you are eating or what you are going through!

This is just our nature, we are social creatures, in fact, when we are happy, it shows even in our pheromones and the levels of hormones produced in our body.

In general, red tea is going to calm you down quickly and also help you sleep a little more than usual, which is going to contribute to your healthy mood and reduce your stress levels.

Which is very important to have a beautiful skin.

Please, if you have a question about these red tea benefits for your skin, I'm here to answer them, just use the section below:


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