Using lysine for rosacea

Should you use lysine for rosacea? Is lysine helpful? Well, the short answer is: we don't know!

I'm sorry to say this, but most scientists and doctors don't know why people get rosacea in the first place and even worse, they don't know how to cure it and how to get rid of it definitely!

So, I'm only going to share with you what people have shared with me about rosacea and whether using lysine will help or not.

According to many people, using and supplementing with lysine was helpful for treating and reducing rosacea as symptoms, but not in most people!

This is the reality of rosacea; some treatments are going to work with some people while the same exact treatments are not to work with others!

So, what to do?

Should you supplement with lysine to get rid of rosacea?

No, you should avoid doing this, in fact, a friend of mine used to have rosacea for over a year, it was making her face reddish, inflamed, full of pimples and she felt hideous, after so many visits to the doctor, she got convinced that she should use supplements and natural oils, so, she began doing this! With no results!

Then, she got serious about this problem and went to a dermatologist who told her that the best way to lower rosacea symptoms was to use antibiotics, doxycycline, tetracycline, and minocycline.

My friend only used tetracycline, as prescribed why her doctor and she was able to lower her rosacea symptoms dramatically.

Now, she has absolutely no skin problems.

So, my friend proved to me that using supplements and other natural oils wasn't really helpful for her rosacea symptoms, nevertheless, some natural oils such as castor or jojoba oil have been tried by many people suffering from rosacea and with the help of antibiotics, they were able to lower nasty symptoms dramatically and quickly as well.

So, in conclusion, you shouldn't use lysine unless you are already using the right medications that were prescribed by your doctor, otherwise, you are just wasting your time and will even cause yourself more damages and more harm than rosacea itself!

Indeed, supplements should be taken very seriously and you should always be careful about what you are using and giving to your body, so, seek the help of a dermatologist and when everything is going fine and well, then, you can take lysine.

Please, if you have a question about using lysine for rosacea, don't hesitate, I'm here to help, just use the form below:


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