Five benefits of green tea for your face

I'm going to talk about a very important subject in this post: the most important benefits of green tea on your face, and your skin as well.

I have already dealt with this subject in a previous post, the benefits of green tea for skin, so, today I'm going to talk about the benefits of green tea for face specifically, which is extremely important to most of my readers, so, let's get started:

  • The first benefit is lowering brown spots.

I'm sure that you all know that green tea is extremely rich in antioxidants, but, did you know that the brown spots you probably have on your skin right now are due to oxidation?

This is what a doctor friend told me some few months ago, he explained that most people who have brown spots on their skins have actually oxidized fat underneath their skin which gives it its brownish color!

This just blew my mind! I couldn't believe that our fat was actually rusting underneath our skins!

When I asked him about the reasons, he simply told me that people aren't loading on antioxidants, so when I asked him about supplements to take, he just nodded his head and told me that they were a waste of time and money!

He told me that our greatest supplements are healthy foods, especially green tea which is loaded with antioxidants that are going to lower brown spots dramatically.

So, the best way to get rid of brown spots on your skin is to just enjoy green tea, and I'm not asking you to apply it directly, although this is beneficial as well, what I'm asking you is to just drink it on a daily basis.

I've already talked about this in numerous previous posts, but it doesn't hurt to repeat myself a little:

Brew green tea every single day on warm water and then avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners as they are pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant substances, and enjoy, if you do this, your skin is going to lose its brown spots and other oxidative stress symptoms very easily and quickly as well.

  • The second benefit is lowering wrinkles.

Wrinkles happen with age, there is nothing you can do to prevent this, however, what you can do is delay their appearance and reduce their numbers especially when it comes to your face.

Wrinkles happen when your skin cells divide incorrectly, this means that errors and mistakes happen when your cells try to replicate themselves; this causes your skin to have wrinkles and develop other aging symptoms.

So, the best way to prevent this is to prevent DNA damages, the first reason why your skin cells will start replicating and dividing in the first place, and one of the most powerful substances you can use is of course green tea.

By drinking healthy green tea, just one teabag a day, you are not only going to ensure your body to get amazingly beneficial antioxidants, but you will also lower wrinkles and other aging symptoms on your face greatly.

  • The third benefit is its anti-inflammatory compounds.

Let's say that you have a redness or pain in your face, inflammations, well, the best thing you can do is to start applying green tea powder mixed with one teaspoon of water directly onto your skin.

I know that this idea is going to sound somehow easy, which it is, and nevertheless, it's very powerful and will give you amazing results very quickly.

Whatever inflammation, rash, or skin issue you have on your face, by applying ground green tea mixed with just a few drops of water, you will get rid of it.

I have tried this myself and it's fantastic, in fact, green tea is a very powerful anti-inflammatory beverage, you should drink it and also use it on your skin topically as much as possible.

A friend of mine goes as far as putting one teaspoon of matcha, which is ground green tea, a bit expensive in my opinion but very healthy, onto her face as a mask every single week!

Well, her face and skin look amazing and she has never acne or other pimples, her face is always glowing with health and beauty.

  • The fourth benefit is getting rid of bacteria.

Green tea contains very powerful antibacterial agents, these are the ones responsible for getting rid of bacterial infections in your skin, so, if you are suffering from acne or other problems, even a greasy or oily face, dry face, then, you should start applying green tea mixture onto your face on a weekly basis, it will get rid of these problems rapidly.

  • And the fifth one is its antifungal properties.

My sister suffers from funguses on her face, whenever it's hot, especially when she visits me here in Morocco, her face starts developing red patches all over!

At first, she started using sulfur and it helped her a little, but soon, she realized that it was harming her skin more than helping it!

That's when I told her to start applying ground green tea mixed with water every day for two weeks, and it worked, she has a clear skin now and she doesn't suffer from fungal problems anymore on her face and skin.

Please, if you have a question about using green tea for your face, don't hesitate to post it in the section below:


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