Can you use toothpaste for pimples?

Can you use toothpaste for pimples? Well, when I was little, my father always told me to use some on my big pimples, and lo and behold, they were gone within one week!

So, yes, they will disappear, and toothpaste is good for pimples, but here, I'm talking about old brands, not the new ones which contain lots of chemicals and lots of damaging elements your skin.

In fact, I'm going to sound extreme here, but I don't use supermarket toothpaste anymore, I use traditional toothpaste which is made with herbs and which is a bit expensive, in fact, if you have this toothpaste, you can use it for your skin and pimples as well, but I don't recommend using cumin brands on pimples as they will do more harm than good!

Of course, this can vary from one brand to another, but as far as I'm concerned, most brands contain lots of preservatives and dangerous chemicals for your skin, in fact, I'm really surprised that people are still putting such toothpaste into their mouths on a daily basis, it's not very healthy, and it's also extremely damaging because of the excess fluorine in them!

So, what to use instead of toothpaste for your pimples?

Well, if you have the means, and if you live near a health food store or if you can use the internet :-), try to get tea tree oil.

It's by far the best thing you can use against pimples, it will give you fantastic results, very quickly, and most importantly, it's very safe to use on your skin, however, you have to respect this recipe:

First, start by adding two teaspoons of your favorite oil, be it olive oil, coconut oil, or any other oil you can find, however, stay away from animal fats, then, add five drops of tea tree oil and simply apply onto your pimples.

Trust me, within just two or three days, you will notice your pimples disappearing and reducing in size dramatically, of course, you should use tea tree oil mixture directly and the onto your pimples, otherwise, it's not going to work.

Please, if you have a question concerning toothpaste for pimples or you would like some clarifications or you have a brand in mind, don't hesitate to post it in the section below; I will be more than happy to help you.


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