How to maintain healthy skin

In this post, I'm going to show you how to maintain your healthy skin, I'm not going to show you how to get a healthy skin, I'm only going to show you the steps you need to take in order to make your healthy skin look even prettier and healthier, which is very important in my opinion.

So, without further ado, you need to follow these steps in order to maintain healthy skin looking amazing:

  • The first one is to enjoy fibers.

Fibers are the most important nutrients when it comes to your healthy skin, if you would like to make it look even prettier and more attractive, then you need to enjoy more fibers.

Usually, we tend to enjoy processed foods a lot; even worse, we enjoy processed carbohydrates a lot, like soda, processed bread, and cakes and other pastries!

When was the last time you had whole wheat bread or whole wheat pasta?

I really think that for most people, the answer is probably a very long time ago!

Well, this is just dangerous not only for your healthy skin, but for your whole body as well!

So, you would like to maintain healthy skin? Right? Well, you have to enjoy fibers on a daily basis, and since most people are either too busy to prepare their whole wheat bread themselves or prepare whole wheat pasta and other whole grains that are very rich in fibers, I highly recommend that you start following this simple advice:

Every day, I want you to enjoy one handful of walnuts or one handful of slightly roasted almonds.

Nuts are extremely rich in fibers, not only that, they are also very rich in essential fatty acids that are going to build healthy skin cells, and with time, you are going to notice your skin becoming much more attractive and pretty.

The second thing to do when it comes to fiber is to enjoy flaxseeds.

Every day, I want you to have two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds, it's a must and if you don't do it, then, your skin is going to start deteriorating and quickly!

  • The second step is to enjoy green smoothies.

I'm not asking you to have smoothies on a daily basis; I know that this is very tiring and somehow very exhausting and boring! What I want you to do is to have them at least once a week.

I know that most people don't get enough greens in their diets, that's why smoothies are very healthy and are going to help you not only maintain your healthy skin, but also make it look amazingly attractive and healthier.

So, prepare the following smoothie or a variation of it on a weekly basis:

Half a cup of cooked kale with one teaspoon of olive oil, one cup of berries, blueberries are fantastic, two large bananas, and one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds.

Blend everything and enjoy, don't forget water, you need to add at least half a liter.

  • And talking about water, it is the third step.

This is very sad: most people are always dehydrated, every day and all day long!

Some few months ago, I asked some members of my mother's family to describe their urine!

Yes, I am that kind of person; I am the person who will ask her father to describe his urine!

Well, apparently, they all tend to have dark urine, yellowish and even orange in some cases, it's because they are dehydrated all the time.

Well, when you are dehydrated, your body isn't going to function normally and healthily, and DNA damages and even worse, toxins, are going to buildup in your body and will end up damaging your vital organs such as your skin and even worse, your heart, kidneys and brain!

So, every day, I want you to drink at least three liters of water, one in the morning, just when you wake up, one before lunch and the other one before dinner.

This is extremely important.

  • And the fourth step is to be on the lookout!

What I mean here is that you should always be on the lookout for any problems, pimples, wrinkles, or brown spots.

For example, the last time a friend of mine came to me and told me that she started noticing acne pimples all over her face, I immediately advised her to cut down on dairy!

And indeed, this made her skin clear out very quickly, and I also advised her to use the following oil mixture on her spots and pimples:

Take one teaspoon of argan oil and add to it two drops of tea tree oil and one drop of lavender oil and apply onto your pimples on a daily basis, just some few drops.

This will not only get rid of pimples and other skin problems, but it will also maintain your skin very healthy and beautiful as well.

Yes, these are the most important steps to maintain healthy skin looking amazing and healthier as well.


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