How to use emu oil for stretch marks
Discover in this post the relationship between emu oil and stretch marks.
I keep receiving so many questions from different readers about stretch marks and other skin problems, and from time to time, someone will ask me about emu oil, so, I always have this answer ready: emu oil is fraud!
I know that what I'm going to say here is going to sound strange and somehow very shocking to most of you, however, I maintain my position, and I really think that emu oil should be avoided in all cases, be it for stretch marks or just for your daily skin care!
Indeed, I have used different kinds of oils and essential fatty acids in the past, and emu oil is definitely the most unpredictable one I have ever tried!
For example, the first time I bought emu oil, it was very thick and it had a yellowish color, however, when I finished the container and ordered it again, from the same brand, I got a very oily product which was clear!
Three months later, I got a thick whitish product!
That's when I started asking questions about emu oil, and I even went as far as writing e-mails to emu oil producers in Australia.
They confirmed that most emu oil they produce is used by known brands and it's quite expensive, and they would rarely sell it to unknown distributors!
In fact, those fancy brands are buying emu oil before its production, many months in advance!
This is just to tell you that emu oil is very rare and I really doubt that a brand is going to offer quality emu oil cheaply!
So, do I recommend using emu oil for stretch marks?
Absolutely not, I think you should stay away from it as much as possible, and in fact I think that the best emu oil for your stretch marks doesn't really exist!
However, in order to get rid of these nasty skin problems, I really recommend that you use the following solution, trust me, I've been there, I've had stretch marks for a very long time, and I got rid of them using this:
Every day, I want you to apply the following oil mixture onto your stretch marks, just a few drops; it will get rid of them within just six months:
To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
Five tablespoons of argan oil, one teaspoon of vitamin E oil, and five drops of peppermint oil, mix all these ingredients in a dark glass container and start applying on a daily basis, just some few drops while massaging very well, this will get rid of your marks very quickly.
However, when it comes to emu oil, I really think that you should avoid it because most of the time, you will get cheap oil for a very expensive price, in other words, you will be scammed!
I keep receiving so many questions from different readers about stretch marks and other skin problems, and from time to time, someone will ask me about emu oil, so, I always have this answer ready: emu oil is fraud!
I know that what I'm going to say here is going to sound strange and somehow very shocking to most of you, however, I maintain my position, and I really think that emu oil should be avoided in all cases, be it for stretch marks or just for your daily skin care!
Indeed, I have used different kinds of oils and essential fatty acids in the past, and emu oil is definitely the most unpredictable one I have ever tried!
For example, the first time I bought emu oil, it was very thick and it had a yellowish color, however, when I finished the container and ordered it again, from the same brand, I got a very oily product which was clear!
Three months later, I got a thick whitish product!
That's when I started asking questions about emu oil, and I even went as far as writing e-mails to emu oil producers in Australia.
They confirmed that most emu oil they produce is used by known brands and it's quite expensive, and they would rarely sell it to unknown distributors!
In fact, those fancy brands are buying emu oil before its production, many months in advance!
This is just to tell you that emu oil is very rare and I really doubt that a brand is going to offer quality emu oil cheaply!
So, do I recommend using emu oil for stretch marks?
Absolutely not, I think you should stay away from it as much as possible, and in fact I think that the best emu oil for your stretch marks doesn't really exist!
However, in order to get rid of these nasty skin problems, I really recommend that you use the following solution, trust me, I've been there, I've had stretch marks for a very long time, and I got rid of them using this:
Every day, I want you to apply the following oil mixture onto your stretch marks, just a few drops; it will get rid of them within just six months:
To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
Five tablespoons of argan oil, one teaspoon of vitamin E oil, and five drops of peppermint oil, mix all these ingredients in a dark glass container and start applying on a daily basis, just some few drops while massaging very well, this will get rid of your marks very quickly.
However, when it comes to emu oil, I really think that you should avoid it because most of the time, you will get cheap oil for a very expensive price, in other words, you will be scammed!
I wanna surely try this. Thanks for sharing