How to use tea water for skin

Today, I'm going to show you how to use tea water for your skin, and although most people have different ideas of what tea water is, it is nonetheless a healthy substance to use on your skin because it's going to increase its softness, make it more resistant to diseases and protect it.

The most important thing you need to understand about tea water when used for your skin is that any kind of tea, be it cinnamon or just various herbs is healthy because these are filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that are going to help your skin and keep it beautiful and protected all day long.

So, today, I'm going to discuss with you a very important thing that most people neglect whenever they are using tea water for their skin: fats!

Yes, in order to make tea water very healthy for your skin, you need to add fatty acids to it, I know that this idea is going to sound very strange and somehow unrealistic, but it’s extremely important, and if you don't do it, your skin is not going to absorb a lot of nutrients from tea water.

So, when you are making tea water, always add at least two or three drops of the following fatty acids, you can use one of them, it's more than enough:

Peppermint oil, lavender oil, or almond oil.

Personally, I prefer to use argan oil, it's available where I live abundantly, and it's quite cheap here as well, however, I know that most people don't have quality argan oil available to them, that's why I highly recommend that you use one of the oils I've just mentioned, however, you must understand that using peppermint oil or lavender oil can have some side effects if you abuse it!

Indeed, these fatty acids are really powerful and can cause your skin to become a little inflamed, so, never exceed two drops.

Is that it?

No, in order to use tea water for your skin, you should drink it and use it topically as well.

Unfortunately, most people only use tea water directly on their skin, in other words, topically, but in order to get amazing results, you have to drink it as well, remember that it's filled with antioxidants and antiseptic compounds that are going to cleanse your system and also increase your resistance to diseases, so, why waste such valuable nutrition!

Please, if you have a question about using tea water for your skin, don't hesitate to post it in the section below, I will be more than happy to help you out.


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