Tea tree oil for stretch marks

In this post, you are going to learn how to use tea tree oil for stretch marks, although most people are going to advise you not to do it, I think they are wrong, and I'm going to share with you a fantastic way in order to get its amazing benefits and to also make it hide your stretch marks very quickly and rapidly as well.

One of the best and most neglected benefits of tea tree oil is that it's highly reactive with your skin, in other words, it's going to "hurt" it!

I'm sure that this is going to sound strange and somehow masochistic, but it's the truth, because tea tree oil is going to hurt your skin, it's going to stimulate skin activity and skin regeneration, and soon, your affected area, your stretch marks, are going to start renewing themselves and new collagen is going to be produced which is going to hide your stretch marks once and for all!

So, how can you use tea tree oil to get rid of stretch marks?

Use the following recipe:

  1. You will need one teaspoon of tea tree oil

  2. One teaspoon of vitamin E oil

  3. And five tablespoons of either argan or olive oil

Well, you may be wondering why use vitamin E oil?

Simply because vitamin E has been proven to be very effective against stretch marks, in fact, in most stretch mark remedies and products, you are going to find vitamin E in large amounts, it's very important for having healthy skin, and anyone telling you about a recipe for stretch marks where vitamin E is not used is simply not knowing what he or she is talking about!

Argan oil or olive oil are also extremely beneficial, although I prefer using argan oil because it's much more "noble" and richer for my skin, it provides lots of nutrients and lots of essential fatty acids that your skin is going to use for regeneration and for also maintaining itself strong and healthy.

Now, mix all these ingredients in a dark glass container, always use a dark glass container as it's not going to react with essential oils, and then start massaging your stretch marks, one by one with this oil every day for at least six months!

Please, if you notice that this oil is very powerful or that it hurts your skin a little, it causes inflammations for example, then, I want you to add more argan oil, preferably another tablespoon, this is very important because tea tree oil can hurt weak skin types very easily, so, to avoid this, try this oil recipe the first day on just a small area of your skin.

This is by far one of the best techniques to use tea tree oil for stretch marks, if you have another one or if you have a question, don't forget to post it in the section below:


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