Tea tree oil for skin funguses

Whether you are suffering from skin funguses or infections, tea tree oil is going to help you a lot, and in this post, I'm going to show you how to use it the right way.

Well, before we start, you need to understand that I have been suffering from skin funguses for a very long time, in fact, whenever it's humid and I let myself go a little, in other words, I don't take showers often, I start developing skin funguses all over my neck, they are barely visible, but they are present nevertheless, however, since starting to use tea tree oil, especially when my skin funguses start appearing, they have reduced in size dramatically, and it's very rare that I notice them!

To tell you the truth, I feel extremely happy writing this post because I still remember the days when my armpits would become inflamed and even my genital area would start showing signs of fungus infections and other dangerous symptoms such as terrible smell! Nowadays, this is all gone, and let me tell you that tea tree oil was in the only thing I have used!

Don't worry; I'm going to show you what you can use exactly in order to get the same results as I did, however, the only thing I'm going to tell you is that they can vary a lot!

You have to understand that each skin is different, each person is different, and the amount of tea tree oil that was required by me to get these results may be more or less different in your situation depending on your skin, so, you have to judge for yourself, but in general, I'm going to give you an easy recipe that many of my friends have tried, and according to them, it works almost every single time.

Before we start, let me tell you about the most important step, even much more important than using tea tree oil:

  • It's swallowing three crushed garlic cloves a day!

Well, when I started applying essential oils on my skin funguses, they started disappearing, but they would come back and hunt me all the time, in fact, they seemed to get harsher and much more violent!

When I told my husband about its, who is by the way a garlic fanatic, he told me that these funguses have colonized my intestines, and even when I get rid of them from my skin, they are going to come back!

So, I asked him about the best way to get rid of them! Antibiotics? Pills!? Supplements?

Well, he simply told me that garlic was enough, swallowing three crushed cloves of garlic a day for three months!

Indeed, I did this and I smelled terrible for three months, however, my skin funguses have reduced dramatically and I can say that I only use tea tree oil once a year and last year, I didn't use it at all because I didn't have to!

So, use garlic on a daily basis for at least three months, you will cleanse your body and get rid of the source of your skin funguses for good, then, you should use the following recipe:

Because tea tree oil is very aggressive on our skin, you need to mix it with a carrier oil, preferably argan oil, it's the one I love the most when it comes to essential oils.

So, use the following ratio: 1 to 5!

For example, for each teaspoon of tea tree oil you need to use, you must mix it with five teaspoons of argan oil, this is just to tell you that tea tree oil is extremely powerful and can cause burning sensations and even inflammations if you abuse it, so, never exceed one teaspoon.

Now, in a dark glass container, mix your tea tree oil and argan oil and using a cotton ball, simply apply onto your skin funguses. Wherever they are, use it, however, be careful not to hurt your eyes, nose and mouth.

Please, if you have a question concerning tea tree oil and skin funguses, don't hesitate to post it in the section below, I will be more than happy to help you out.


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