The best foods for healthy skin

Today, I'm going to talk about one of my favorite topics: the best foods for a healthy skin and although most people are not going to agree with these foods entirely, I'm sure that you will get a lot of nutrients and a lot of benefits when it comes to having a healthy skin if you keep enjoying them on a daily basis, more importantly, all these foods are quite affordable and they are much more healthier and safer than using creams and other oils, and I think your skin will benefit a lot from them.

So, without further ado, here are the best foods for a healthy skin:

  • The first one is berries.

Berries are one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can consume on a daily basis, not just for having a healthy skin, but for a healthy body as well!

Believe me when I tell you that the best foods you can eat are not bananas or apples when it comes to your skin, but berries.

I still remember when I started consuming high amounts of blackberries on a daily basis, they were in season, and since I lived with my family in Belgium, I had lots of choice and I enjoyed them on a daily basis, soon, my friends began commenting about my skin and telling me that I have simply the most glowing and clearest skin they have ever seen!

Well, when berry season was done, after some few weeks, my skin began to look terrible again, in fact, I was suffering from many allergies. Trust me, not due to berries, but to my milk intolerance!

Anyway, when I resumed taking berries on a daily basis, my skin started to look amazing and beautiful again, and this is what I want for you as well: I want you to consume at least one handful of black or blueberries on a daily basis, it will improve your complexion, cleanse your skin, and most importantly, keep your skin glowing and very beautiful.

  • The second foods are whole wheat and whole grain products.

Whole grain products in general are extremely important not because of their amazing nutrients, but because of their fibers.

Did you know that among the best foods you can eat for preventing cancers are whole wheat and whole grain products?

They are so because they are extremely rich in fiber.

Well, let me explain this to you:

When you eat whole grain products, you ingest huge amounts of fiber, these are going to get engorged with water in your intestines, and in this process, they are going to absorb toxins in your body, even better, some kinds of fibers, the soluble ones, are going to get into your bloodstream and are going to trap cholesterol molecules and other nasty stuff and drive them away!

Well, this is why whole grain products are fantastic for your skin, they will cleanse toxins from your body which will leave your skin looking amazing, and as you may already have guessed, people with lots of toxins and lots of diseases are going to look pale and not very attractive, whereas the ones who have a fantastic health and immune system are going to have a wonderfully beautiful skin.

  • The third one is ground flaxseeds.

The same thing can be said about ground flaxseeds, two tablespoons a day is going to add lots of fibers to your diet, however, ground flaxseeds also contain lots of minerals, lots of vitamins, especially vitamin Bs, and most importantly, lots of omega-3 fatty acids.

And this is why I think ground flaxseeds are probably one of the healthiest foods you can eat on a daily basis to have a healthy skin, in fact, I eat them every day and I haven't had skin problems for the last four years! Yes, I'm I have some pimples from time to time, but they disappear very quickly, sometimes, after just two days!

  • The fourth one is green tea.

Although green tea is not food, it's a beverage, you should consider it when looking for ways to get healthy skin because it will improve your cardiovascular system while also flooding your whole body with essential nutrients such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that will give your body the protection it needs and also contribute to having a fantastically glowing and wonderfully beautiful skin.

  • The fifth one is almond/walnuts.

Nuts in general are going to provide your body with essential fatty acids, such as omega9s and omega3s, and are also very beneficial for reducing cholesterol levels and other dangerous problems in your body, most importantly, nuts are going to increase your immune system and whenever we talk about an increase in immune response, we need to always have in mind a stronger and healthier skin because it will be much more defended and it won't suffer from skin issues and problems often.

  • And the sixth food for a healthy skin is dark green leafy vegetables.

Indeed, dark green leafy vegetables are the number one food to consume on a daily basis in order to avoid cancer and cardiovascular problems; in fact, it has been argued in many medical journals that if dark green leafy vegetables tasted like bacon, no one would go to the doctor!

I completely agree with this, and sometimes, I find myself eating cooked kale or broccoli while hating myself only to notice later on that my skin looks amazing and that I have the perfect health, mood and beauty.

Well, I think this price is worth paying.

These are the best foods for healthy skin, if you have a question, post it in the section below, I will be more than glad to help you.


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