How to use castor oil for stretch marks

If you have stretch marks, then, you need to use castor oil!

It's very easy to use and the wonderful news is that it will get rid of your stretch marks very quickly!

What do I mean by quickly?

Well, believe it or not, in order to completely get rid of your stretch marks, it will take up to two years!

I'm not lying to you, it takes a very long time and you will hate me for being this honest with you!

Yes, it takes a very long time in order to get rid of your stretch marks completely, and even worse, if your stretch marks are due to pregnancy, then, it's going to take even a longer time!

I'm not saying this to discourage you, I'm saying this just to be honest with you, and no matter what products or ingredients you are going to use, it will always take very long because stretch marks are scars that your skin has endure, in fact, your skin has increase in size rapidly, which caused it to stretch and have internal scars that are still visible outside!

So, in order to really get rid of your stretch marks, the first thing you need to have is will power!

I was pregnant; I have horrible stretch marks, not only in my belly, but also near my elbows and in my thighs!

Yes, I was a bit plump when I was pregnant, and it made my skin look horrible, and to this day, even though my stretch marks are very small and barely visible when you look closely, I can see and feel them when I pass my fingers on my skin, it's because stretch marks don't really disappear, in fact, they are permanent scars if you want to think about them this way.

Now, how to use castor oil for stretch marks? This is what you are going to find in this post:

The first thing you need to understand about castor oil is that it's a fantastic oil, however, it's a bit weak when it comes to stretch marks, remember, stretch marks are "permanent scars", they require heavy and complex molecules in order to get rid of them, and here, you are only using natural products, so, follow this recipe in order to make your castor oil extremely powerful when it comes to stretch marks and get rid of them very quickly:

In a dark glass container, preferably a dropper, add two tablespoons of castor oil, to which you are going to add five drops of vitamin E oil, one drop of tea tree oil and two tablespoons of argan oil.

Argan oil is definitely one of the best fatty acids you can use in order to get rid of your stretch marks, although it's going to take a long time to act, nevertheless, it's very healthy for your skin and it will give you amazing results very quickly.

Now, how to use castor oil for stretch marks?

Every day, I want you to simply massage your stretch marks with this castor oil preparation for some few minutes, then, let your skin absorb the excess moisture and fat and that's it!

Within just three weeks, you are going to start noticing amazing results, but to be honest with you, you are only going to feel proud of your skin once you pass the six months mark, don't try to add more than a few drops every day to your skin, you can cause inflammations! Just be patient.

If you have a question, don't hesitate to post it in the form below, I will gladly answer all your castor oil and stretch marks inquiries.


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