The most efficient oral antibiotics for rosacea

First of all, I'm not a doctor, I won't give you medical advice in this post, I'm only going to share with you what my friend has gone through and how she got rid of her rosacea using oral antibiotics.

So, what are the best oral antibiotics used for rosacea?

Well, if you consult your dermatologist or doctor, he or she will definitely refer you to the following:

Tetracycline and Doxycycline.

They are both very powerful oral antibiotics used for rosacea, however, the thing I would like you to do is to never use them without consulting first your dermatologist or doctor!

It's because these antibiotics can be very dangerous for your health if you don't know what you are doing, especially that a lot of people are allergic to such antibiotics.

So, you may be trying to deal with rosacea when in fact you will be dealing with a much worse allergic reaction to these antibiotics that can be even life-threatening!

So, never use them without consulting your doctor first and please, remember this:

Rosacea is an incurable skin disease, in other words, it's never going away, however, what you can do is to simply manage the symptoms and get rid of them as much as possible, and this requires following your doctor’s guidance and prescriptions, in other words, don't do as my friend did:

When she first started to notice improvements, she stopped taking her antibiotics, later on, when she visited her doctor, he told her that she was putting her health at risk and she may be aggravating her rosacea case, that's why she completed her antibiotics and even used some additional antiseptic oils and homemade remedies in order to lower the symptoms a lot, which is very helpful, but only when you are using the right antibiotics and medicines that your doctor is going to prescribe to you.

Please, if you have a question about rosacea, don't hesitate to ask me, I know a thing or two about this, if I can be of help, then, please ask me.


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