Does primer clog pores?

Does primer clog pores? The answer is yes!

Indeed, it will clog your pores; however, I know that most of you cannot live without it, that's why I'm going to show you the best remedies for getting rid of this issue very easily!

Primer is what we call a comedogenic substance, in other words, it's going to clog your pores and it's going to fill cavities in your skin very easily, in fact, we use primer mainly to cover wrinkles and imperfections in our skin, so, it's very obvious that it can clog pores, however, since it is very important to many women and sometimes some guys, I highly recommend that you keep using it and stop thinking in terms of clogged pores, in fact, you should start thinking about beauty products in terms of their efficiency and how they are improving your life and your experience.

I keep receiving so many comments from women about certain products and essential oils, such as peppermint oil and even the mighty and highly valuable coconut oil!

They will often tell me that they don't use a product or certain oil because it will clog their pores or that it will cause them blackheads or pimples!

I don't believe this, and in fact, although primer is going to clog your pores, you should keep on using it because there are so many solutions to get rid of this problem.

The most important one is to use a clay mask every single week.

In my case, when I'm going out with my husband, which is usually once every two days, I will put primer, although I'm a beauty professional, I will silence the little voice in my head telling me that it will clog my pores and that is can be very bad for my skin and I will put primer anyway!

Then, when I get back home, I will use a good cleansing solution and forget about, however, on Sunday afternoon, when I'm alone with my daughters, I will apply a clay mask for just forty-five minutes, then, I will remove it using lukewarm water, this doesn't only unclog my pores, but it also makes my skin glow and very beautiful.

I have so many posts dealing with clay mask for unclogging your pores, you should read them, they will help you tremendously.


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