Five benefits of tea tree oil for skin

I'm not going to lie to you, I'm a huge fan of tea tree oil, especially when it comes to my skin, and in this post, I'm going to tell you about the five most important reasons why I use it, and why you should use it as well.

So, what are the benefits of tea tree oil for your skin? The answer is innumerable!

There are so many benefits and so many reasons why you should start using tea tree oil on a daily or at least on a weekly basis on your skin that this post can never deal with them entirely, so, I'm only going to talk about the most important five ones.

So, without further ado, here are the five most important benefits of using tea tree oil for your skin:

  • Number one is tea tree oil is a very powerful antifungal essential oil.

Well, I can never talk about tea tree oil without remembering when I used to suffer from nail funguses!

Two years ago, I started to smell horrible in my toes, they were greenish and soon, I started feeling extremely itchy in my feet!

After consulting many doctors and dermatologists, they confirmed that I was suffering from nail funguses, so, I began treatment, it was expensive and difficult because I had to apply two separate products, one after the other at exact intervals and if I forgot, then, nail funguses will regain control of my feet again and the symptoms won't disappear, so, after three months of using these products, I came to the conclusion that they weren't helping me a lot, that's when I started reading about tea tree oil and how some people used it successfully to get rid of their fungal issues.

So, I began using this technique:

Every day, I would take one teaspoon of olive oil to which I added half a teaspoon of tea tree oil, mix everything and apply to my nails, and lo and behold, after just one month, I started to notice amazing improvements, and when I came back to my dermatologists, I didn't tell him that I was using tea tree oil, and I swear to God, the first thing he told me after seeing my toenails was: "I didn't know that these products were so efficient!"! In fact, as he told me later on, he was expecting my treatment to last for at least six months! Before it starts showing signs of improvement!

Yes, tea tree oil is a favorite of mine; I can never talk about it without remembering how powerful it is when it comes to fungal issues, so, whether you are suffering from dandruff, candida, or other fungal issues on your skin or nails, please, always prefer to tea tree oil.

  • The second one is: tea tree oil contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.

The next thing I would like to talk about is its powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.

Tea tree oil contains a very powerful compound called Terpinen-4-ol, it has been linked to anti-inflammatory activities and it is a very powerful antioxidant as well.

When using tea tree oil on your rash, eczema, psoriasis, and even scaly skin and redness, you will get rid of these issues very quickly because they are due to inflammatory causes.

Indeed, tea tree oil is fantastically powerful when it comes to inflammations, it will reduce your skin redness and itchiness very quickly, sometimes, when people who suffer from psoriasis ask me about "a magical solution" to deal with their condition, the first thing I always recommend to them is to start using a combination of olive oil and tea tree oil, it's definitely very powerful and will relieve inflammatory issues quickly.

  • The third one is tea tree oil is a very powerful antibacterial.

Of course, tea tree oil is going to deal with bacteria and other parasites in your skin, needless to tell you that most of your skin conditions are caused by such germs that are proliferating on it, so, the less you have, the more your skin is going to feel and be amazing.

Always remember this: if you are suffering from bacterial problems in your skin, infections, pus filled pimples and even burns and other skin issues, then, use tea tree oil, it will help you tremendously.

  • Number four is: tea tree oil simulates healthy skin cells production.

Most people don't know this, the fact that tea tree oil is going to stimulate healthy skin cells production, but it's the truth.

And this is extremely important if you are suffering from stretch marks.

As you may already know, stretch marks are scars formed in your skin due to a rapid increase in volume and size, and to get rid of this problem, you will need very expensive drugs and creams, however, if you use tea tree oil, you will get amazing results as well.

And this is the reason why tea tree oil is also very powerful when it comes to scars, not just stretch marks.

So, one of the best ways to get rid of these skin problems is using a ratio of 1 to 5, one drop of tea tree oil and five drops olive oil, it will make your skin strong, beautiful and healthy again.

  • And number five is tea tree oil will get rid of acne!

This is definitely one of my favorite benefits when it comes to tea tree oil, getting rid of acne!

I didn't suffer a lot from acne, although when I had it, I thought that it was the worst case a person can have, however, when I started reading about this subject, I came to the conclusion that many people had terrible acne cases, in fact, most people still have acne scars to this day!

Well, it's very easy to get rid of your acne if you know what you are doing with tea tree oil.

It's very easy to understand, tea tree oil contains powerful antibacterial compounds, and your acne pimples are filled with bacterial colonies that are making your skin very weak and inflamed, so, by using a combination of tea tree oil and olive oil, you will get rid of your acne as well.


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