Five natural remedies for pimples

In this post, I'm going to share with you the five most important natural remedies for pimples, they are very easy to use, very healthy, organic, and they will not cause troubles to your skin and damages, in fact, they are extremely healing and protective.

So, without further ado, here are the most important natural remedies for pimples:

  • The first one is lavender oil.

Lavender oil is better than most of the other oils you can use for pimples, it's very safe, hypoallergenic, meaning that it won't cause allergic reactions in most people, and most importantly, it will get rid of your pimples very quickly.

It's because lavender oil contains lots of antiseptic compounds that are simply going to get rid of most bacterial colonies in your pimples.

And let me tell you that your pimples are full of dangerous bacteria; in other words, the less you have, the better you are going to feel and the more your skin is going to be able to get rid of pimples.

Most importantly, lavender oil is going to increase the activity in your skin, even better, it's going to increase blood flow which is going to contribute dramatically to your efforts to get rid of pimples very quickly.

And it's very simple to use lavender oil for pimples, just mix two drops with half a teaspoon of olive oil or almond oil and then apply to your pimples, generously, and within three days, they will be gone!

  • The second one is tea tree oil.

Now, I would like to share with you probably the best natural remedy for pimples, tea tree oil!

It is undoubtedly the best you can use, and if you have a nasty pimple which has been there for many days and doesn't show any sign of reduction, then, you have to use the big guns with it, and here, I'm talking about tea tree oil!

However, you may be asking yourself why I mentioned tea tree oil only in the second position?!

It's because this oil is very dangerous for your skin, it can cause so many damages and problems, it can also increase inflammations dramatically, in other words, your skin is going to look reddish and lousy!

However, I'm going to show you how to exactly use tea tree oil for pimples, and trust me, it will give you amazing results:

So, always remember this: if you would like to use tea tree oil as a natural remedy for pimples, you have to always use it in a 1 to 5 ratio!

Meaning that for every one drop of tea tree oil, you are going to need to add five drops of a carrier oil, preferably almond or argan oil, but if you don't have these fatty acids, you can use plain olive oil.

So, apply some few drops of tea tree oil mixture on your pimples and wait two days, they will be gone!

  • The third one is clay.

Multani mitti for example is a fantastic clay you can use on your face particularly in order to get rid of pimples, the only problem with this natural remedy is that it's not very convenient, it's going to take a long time in order to show results, however, because it's extremely hypoallergenic, meaning that it will not cause allergic reactions in your face and skin, multani mitti is probably the safest natural remedy you can use for pimples.

Here is what to do:

Mix one tablespoon of multani mitti with one tablespoon of rose water or warm water, to which you are going to add one drop of tea tree oil, just to make sure that you will get rid of most of the bacteria and parasites that are causing your pimples, and then apply onto your face and skin.

Leave for at least forty-five minutes and you will have amazing results very quickly.

  • The fourth one is apple cider vinegar.

Of course, I cannot talk about natural remedies for pimples without bringing into the discussion apple cider vinegar, ACV!

It's definitely one of the best ingredients you can use, however, it's not very convenient, in other words, it's smelly, it's runny, and it acts very quickly, so, the problem I find with using apple cider vinegar is that you need to keep applying some few drops or using a cotton ball every single hour for a very long time, and although it works, it's not very convenient.

However, you can use the barbecue technique, you can use a sprayer, it's like preparing ribs, but only with your face and skin! :-)

So, you can use apple cider vinegar if you want to, however, is not very convenient.

  • And the fifth one is baking soda.

Baking soda is definitely one of the easiest techniques and natural remedies you can use for pimples, you just take one teaspoon and you mix it with a few drops of water until you get a paste, which is a bit strong, and then you apply on top of your pimples.

This paste is very efficient because it's going to get rid of bacterial colonies and increase the pH level dramatically which is going to simply destroy them very quickly.

However, the problem with baking soda is that some people may react badly to it, so, you have to experiment, for example, on the back of your hand and see whether you tolerate baking soda very well or not before using on your face and other sensitive skin areas.

Please, if you have a question about using natural remedies for pimples, don't hesitate to post it in the section below, I will try to help you very quickly.


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