The best rosacea diet plan

In this post, you are going to discover the best rosacea diet plan, in other words, what you should eat, and what you shouldn't in order to avoid the nasty symptoms related to this skin condition!

The first thing I must talk about is that I'm no doctor, I only know a thing or two about nutrition, and the second thing I need to warn you about is that if you neglect your doctor's prescription and think that by just following a good diet you will be able to get rid of rosacea symptoms, then, let me tell you that you are wrong!

A friend of mine used to have terrible rosacea symptoms, at first, she told us she doesn't need a doctor, and she began to self-medicate herself, soon, she was eating weird stuff and spices on a daily basis and even applying different oils to her face and skin!

Well, after just three months of using her self-medication techniques, her symptoms nearly doubled!

When we went together to a dermatologist, the first thing he told her was that if she doesn't follow his prescription, most importantly, oral antibiotics, she would have her rosacea symptoms for life and they would definitely scar her face!

I don't want this happening to you, so, before using this rosacea diet plan, you need to check with your doctor first and use the prescriptions he will give you; they are the best for reducing symptoms for good.

So, let's talk about the best rosacea diet plan for you:

  • The first step is to avoid alcohol.

I've told this story many times in this website:

When my friend began her rosacea diet plan, the first thing she was asked to cut down was alcohol, and although she cut down on most hard liquors, she was unable to stop drinking beer because she was a very sociable person, she went to bars and parties all the time with her friends, and she enjoyed socializing a lot, so, I got her to stop this, and because she is one of my best friends, I stuck with her and gave her lots of support and listening, soon, she stopped drinking beer and other alcohols and her rosacea symptoms improved dramatically.

  • The second step is to avoid meat products!

I know that what I'm saying here is going to sound very strange and somehow very difficult to most of you, but I am vegan, I'm not 100% vegan, I eat meat from time to time, maybe twice or four times a year, but on a daily basis, I don't eat meat at all, and when my friend told me about her rosacea symptoms and I could see with my own eyes how they were destroying her self-esteem and confidence, even worse, how they were scarring her face, I told her about my diet, and she told me that she saw huge improvements in my skin complexion, so, she started following a vegan diet as well and avoiding meat, dairy, poultry, and even fish, and lo and behold, her symptoms nearly disappeared within the first two months!

I'm not saying this to convert you into something, you are free to do whatever you want, after all, I still eat meat from time to time, but I know that it contains lots of damaging toxins that can hurt our skin and is also loaded with bacteria and other pathogens that can be very damaging to our health.

  • The third step is to cut down on processed foods.

And here, I'm talking about anything that comes wrapped in plastic or other materials, it should be avoided, and the worst things you can eat are:

  1. Candy bars

  2. Processed meats

  3. Carbonated beverages

  4. Fast food

You should also avoid refined sugars, corn syrup, table sugar, honey, and even Maple syrup.

  • The fourth step is to avoid spicy foods.

Spicy foods, hot food, are terrible as well, and will increase your rosacea symptoms dramatically, so, avoid them as much as possible as well.

  • The fifth step is to avoid white bread and rice.

Carbohydrates, bad ones, that do not contain fibers, are terrible for your rosacea symptoms and will increase them dramatically, so, cut them down and replace them with whole wheat bread or even better, brown rice or oats.


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