An easy detox to get clear skin

In this post, I'm going to talk about a very easy detox to get clear skin, and by clear, I mean very healthy, pimples free, with no inflammations, no itchiness, and no dandruff as well!

Trust me, this can be obtained very easily if you follow this easy detox, in fact, it's going to surprise you the first time you try it, and after just some few days, you will feel amazing and you won't believe the results you will get.

  • So, what's the best detox to get a clear skin?

Well, in order to understand this, you need to first understand why you don't have clear skin right now!

In other words, why you have acne on your face, probably?

Why you have pimples in some areas of your body?

Why do you have inflammations and other skin problems?

It's because of your diet, you are eating "toxic food", you are doing something bad and your body is reacting poorly to it, in fact, your body's reaction is completely normal, it is faced with toxins and other dangerous chemicals from your diet, and in order to deal with it, your immune system is going to "declare war" on what you eat, in other words, your immune system is going to increase inflammation levels in your body, your whole body, and the first victim is always your skin!

So, without further ado, let me tell you about the best detox to get a very clear skin quickly and easily:

You need to understand that most foods we eat nowadays are terrible to our health, especially meat products, by this, I mean processed meats!

Yes, they are very dangerous for your body because most of the time, they are contaminated with bacteria and even viruses that can be extremely dangerous not only to your healthy skin, but also to your cardiovascular and nervous system!

Even worse, some of the things we eat nowadays contain toxins! For examples, the preservatives you are going to find in processed foods trust me, these are extremely dangerous to your health, and yes, you can eat them from time to time, but the problem is that we consume them every day, which is very dangerous to our overall health and especially our skin!

  • So, here is the best detox to get clear skin:

First of all, it will take you about two weeks in order to start noticing amazing results, but I guarantee you that your skin is going to look amazing meanwhile.

So, every day, when you wake up, I want you to have a green smoothie with the following:

In a very powerful blender, process the following:

One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds, half a cup of cooked kale, one handful of almonds, one handful of walnuts, half a cup of blackberries or any fruits you can find, and one liter of water.

Blend everything until you get a very "creamy" substance, which smells very delicious if you ask me.

Then, I want you to drink this throughout the day.

At lunch, you need to have beans!

Trust me, this may make you laugh a little, but beans are amazing because they contain a lot of fibers which are very important to detox our bodies, in fact, fibers are going to absorb toxins in our intestines and get them out!

So, the more beans you have, the better your skin is going to look.

However, when consuming beans in cans, be careful of added sugar and especially added salt, that's why I prefer to prepare beans myself, I tend to add a lot of spices, herbs, and just half a teaspoon of olive oil, it's more than enough.

And have no dinner!

I know that this is going to sound strange and cruel, but most people have very bad dinners, they are composed of dairy, meats, and even processed carbohydrates, which is terrible, so, if you don't like the idea of sleeping with an empty stomach, you can have some fruits, they are much better than processed foods at dinner.

Indeed, this is the best detox to get clear skin, and if you have a question, please, don't hesitate to post it in the section below.


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