How to get smooth skin

Today, I would like to talk about the best steps and the best tips to get smooth skin, they are very easy to use and most importantly, they will give you amazing results by just using very easy to follow steps.

  • The first thing you need to do in order to get a smooth skin is so stop taking showers every day!

When I was young, I used to take showers every single day, sometimes, I would even take showers twice a day and even three times when it was hot, however, when I met my husband, he noticed that I had red patches all over my skin, and when he asked me about them, I told him that I was taking showers every single day!

He said that it was excessive and that I could be harming my skin and health dangerously!

Well, we have tiny creatures living on our skin, bacteria and funguses, which feed on our dead skin cells.

These creatures are responsible for driving away the bad ones that are harmful for our skin, however, when you start taking showers on a daily basis, you are simply going to destroy them and leave space for bad bacteria to proliferate and even become much resistant to shower products you use.

So, don't shower a lot, don't give bad bacteria the opportunity to harm you, only shower once or twice a week, it's more than enough.

Nowadays, I have absolutely no problem with my skin because I know what I'm doing and most importantly, I know that in order to have the perfect health, I need to be in symbiosis with my environment, in other words, there are tiny creatures on my skin that need me in order to survive, and I need them more in order to keep me from harmful bacteria and parasites.

  • The second step is to apply natural oils the right way.

Of course, you cannot have smooth skin without applying natural oils, in other words, you cannot have a smooth and healthy skin without nourishing it the right way, it's just impossible!

And here, I'm talking about consuming and using natural oils topically.

Most people simply think that applying some few drops of this or that oil is more than enough, well, I don't agree!

In order to have the perfect skin, smooth and healthy, you need to consume essential fatty acids and you should also apply some of them to your skin.

So, every day, I want you to consume at least two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds, they contain large amounts of Omega three fatty acids which are going to help your skin develop and stay healthy, even better, omega-3 fatty acids and flaxseeds fibers, especially lignans, are going to protect your cardiovascular system and increase blood flow to your body which is going to increase your skin's beauty and attractiveness dramatically.

And once or twice a week, before taking showers, apply the following oil mixture before:

Mix five tablespoons of argan oil with three drops of tea tree oil and two teaspoons of almond oil.

Massage your skin and apply this amazing oil mixture to it, and trust me, it will become smoother and softer in texture very quickly.

  • The third step is to expose it to sunshine, moderately.

Not exposing your skin to sunshine all year long can be very dangerous and can even result in dead skin buildup and other problems, that's why I highly recommend that you expose your skin to sunlight when suitable because it will not only disinfect it but will also help get rid of dead skin cells very healthily and efficiently.

  • And the fourth step is to drink lots of water.

Of course, if you would like to increase your skin's elasticity and smoothness, you need to drink water, and from my experience, three liters a day are more than enough, of course, this depends on your physical activity.

For me, I drink one liter in the morning, one litter after lunch, and one liter before dinner.

Please, if you have a question about getting smooth skin, don't hesitate to post it in the section below.


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