How to take care of oily acne prone skin

There are so many techniques and steps you need to take in order to take care of your oily acne prone skin, and in this post, I'm going to share with you the most important ones.

  • The first step is to take good care of what you eat.

When you would like to improve your skin and get rid of acne symptoms, you should first think about what you are eating!

So, here are the foods you can eat in order to lower your acne dramatically:

Seeds, like flax and sesame seeds, try to grind them and add to bread and other food preparations; they will improve their taste and also make them extremely healthy.

Nuts, walnuts and almonds are among the healthiest in my opinion and are very nutritious for your skin; they are also going to boost your immune function which is going to protect you from acne and from developing an oily skin.

Beans, although they are known to cause gas and to be very annoying, they are a powerhouse when it comes to proteins and soluble fibers, which are fantastic for reducing your oily skin and for improving your cholesterol levels dramatically.

Fruits and vegetables, they should be at the base of your diet pyramid, and by consuming them daily, you are going to reduce your food cravings a lot, which is going to regulate your weight and also keep you very healthy looking.

Starches, like whole grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes etc., which are staple food we have evolved to eat, they will improve your blood circulation, energy levels, and most importantly, they are very poor in fatty acids, this way, your skin is going to balance itself and stop producing lots of sebum, the oily substance that gives you an oily skin.

  • The second step is to avoid the following foods.

By reducing the following foods, you are also going to reduce your oily skin while also getting rid of acne a lot:

  1. The first one is dairy.

I keep arguing with people about the role of dairy in our diets, some will say that we need to have milk and other dairy products because of "calcium"! Well, when I show them the following study: they keep silent!

Well, dairy has been linked to low bone density and is thought to cause done fractures and problems in people!

Some may even say that dairy is good for daily protein requirements! Well, you can get protein everywhere, why exactly stick to dairy?

In general, to reduce your acne outbursts, you need to stop eating and drinking dairy products; they are just dangerous and will increase your cardiovascular risks and even cancer risks a lot.

  • The second food is saturated fats.

These are mainly found in meat, eggs, dairy, and poultry, so, lower your intake of these foods as much as possible in order to improve your health dramatically and slow down acne!

You should also stop eating fried foods, so, from now on, no more French fries, no more doughnuts, and no more fried anything!

  • And the third step is to apply healthy natural oils on a daily basis.

Because you have an oily acne prone skin, you need to apply the following oil mixture on a daily basis when you feel acne pimples appearing, it will reduce your symptoms dramatically while also increasing your skin complexion and beauty a lot:

In about a glass container, add five tablespoons of argan oil, five teaspoons of rosehip oil, and one teaspoon of tea tree oil.

Every day, massage your face and skin using this amazing oil mixture, be careful not to touch your eyes.

This will not only improve your oily acne prone skin and make it much more resistant to diseases and pimples, but it will get rid of your acne problems for good.


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