The best essential oil for stretch marks

There are so many essential oils you can use for stretch marks, but I really doubt that they are going to be as effective and as efficient as the one I'm going to share with you in this post.

In fact, I had stretch marks for a very long time. When I gave birth to my two daughters, I realized that I had horrible ones; they were purple, big, and very deep!

When I told my husband about this issue, he was very supportive, and told me that I can use some essential oils, so, I started reading about this subject and I came to the realization that there are lots of essential fats to use! I was really confused about this!

I started experimenting with many ones, then, I found what I can say is the best when it comes to stretch marks: vitamin E oil!

I know that it's not your "typical" essential oil, but it's the one I have found to be extremely efficient and the one that works very well when it comes to stretch marks.

I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that there are comparable essential oils in efficiency and strength, I have used most of them, and vitamin E oil is by far the best.

Especially if you are using grades which are above 30,000 UI.

However, there is a huge problem with using lots of vitamin E oil directly onto your skin: you will burn yourself and damage your skin even more!

Well, if you apply vitamin E oil directly onto your stretch marks, you will end up damaging your skin!

This is the reason why you will always find me talking about using vitamin E oil in moderation when you are suffering from stretch marks, in fact, I always tell my readers to mix it with other essential oils, and today, I'm going to share with you my most favorite essential oil recipe for reducing stretch marks, the one I've used myself for getting rid of most of my marks and also making them disappear very quickly.

It's the following:

Take a dark glass container, add to it five tablespoons of argan oil and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil, shake very well, and apply on a daily basis to your marks, just some few drops on each one while massaging very gently.

After three months of using this recipe twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon before you go to bed, you will notice huge improvements and they will simply disappear!

Indeed, this is by far the best essential oil for stretch marks you can use, if you have a question or a comment, don't hesitate to post it in the section below, I will be very happy to help you:


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