Uses of green tea for your skin
Today, I would like to share with you the most important uses of green tea for your skin, they are very important to understand and most importantly, you need to know how to use green tea in order to get not only clear skin, but a healthy and very durable and strong one as well.
The first important thing you need to understand about green tea is: if you abuse it, you will regret it!
I know what I'm talking about because my husband used to drink lots of green tea on a daily basis, and soon, he found himself very weak, dizzy, and with lots of heart palpitations and skin problems as well!
I don't want you facing this, this is the reason why I only recommend drinking and using half a teaspoon a day of green tea, don't exceed this amount, and no matter how much water you add, never exceed half a teaspoon a day!
This is more than enough to cover your antioxidants needs and to make your skin fantastically healthy.
With this said, now, let's me talk about the most important uses of green tea for your skin:
Green tea contains lots of antifungal properties and agents; these are the ones responsible for clearing your skin and making it not only beautiful, but very healthy looking as well.
However, what I'm going to ask you to do will look strange, but it's amazingly effective when you are suffering from fungal problems in your skin:
I want you to grind one teaspoon of green tea and mix it with a few drops of water, then, apply the paste directly onto your affected area and cover using a band aid for six hours, repeat this process twice a day and soon, your skin is going to clear out very healthy, in fact, your skin is going to look fantastic.
This is by far one of the best techniques to heal your skin whether you are suffering from fungal or even bacterial problems because green tea is going to act directly on it.
Indeed, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, if you are having problems with your skin, you are suffering from fungal or bacterial activities, you should use green tea topically, however, a fantastic way to also increase its effectiveness is to drink it on a daily basis.
Indeed, as mentioned before, half a teaspoon a day of green tea is more than enough to boost your immune system and to make it able to defend itself and also defend your body and more particularly your skin from invaders and bacteria very easily.
You see, the problem with most people who suffer from bacterial or fungal problems on their skin is that they have weak immune systems, in other words, they get sick very easily!
By improving your immune system functions, you are not only going to help your skin, but help your overall body.
Your cardiovascular system is also going to benefit a lot from green tea, and you may be asking yourself why should you care about your cardiovascular system when you only want to help your skin?!
Well, you shouldn't ask such a question because your cardiovascular system, if it's healthy, means that your heart is going to pump highly oxygenated blood into your skin, in other words, you are going to increase blood circulation in your skin which is going to bring more oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, which is going to help them defend themselves and also replicate and divide healthily, in other words, with time, you are not going to suffer from premature aging symptoms and you will always have fantastically beautiful skin.
Green tea is in fact very powerful when you are suffering from high cholesterol which is going to clog your arteries as it's going to prevent oxidation and thus it's going to prevent it from getting stuck to your arterial walls!
As mentioned before, using green tea topically is going to relieve fungal and bacterial problems very easily, and one of the most common ones are pimples, you have to understand that they are caused by huge bacterial colonies and sometimes even fungal ones dividing on your skin and munching on your healthy cells!
Just use the previous advice and apply green tea topically onto your skin, it will get rid of these problems quite easily.
Of course, by lowering bad cholesterol in your system and by helping blood flow, green tea is also going to lower blood pressure to healthy levels, which is going to contribute to good blood circulation and also to nourishing and oxygenating your skin healthily, which is extremely important.
The first important thing you need to understand about green tea is: if you abuse it, you will regret it!
I know what I'm talking about because my husband used to drink lots of green tea on a daily basis, and soon, he found himself very weak, dizzy, and with lots of heart palpitations and skin problems as well!
I don't want you facing this, this is the reason why I only recommend drinking and using half a teaspoon a day of green tea, don't exceed this amount, and no matter how much water you add, never exceed half a teaspoon a day!
This is more than enough to cover your antioxidants needs and to make your skin fantastically healthy.
With this said, now, let's me talk about the most important uses of green tea for your skin:
- The first one is getting rid of funguses.
Green tea contains lots of antifungal properties and agents; these are the ones responsible for clearing your skin and making it not only beautiful, but very healthy looking as well.
However, what I'm going to ask you to do will look strange, but it's amazingly effective when you are suffering from fungal problems in your skin:
I want you to grind one teaspoon of green tea and mix it with a few drops of water, then, apply the paste directly onto your affected area and cover using a band aid for six hours, repeat this process twice a day and soon, your skin is going to clear out very healthy, in fact, your skin is going to look fantastic.
This is by far one of the best techniques to heal your skin whether you are suffering from fungal or even bacterial problems because green tea is going to act directly on it.
- The second one is clearing your skin.
Indeed, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, if you are having problems with your skin, you are suffering from fungal or bacterial activities, you should use green tea topically, however, a fantastic way to also increase its effectiveness is to drink it on a daily basis.
Indeed, as mentioned before, half a teaspoon a day of green tea is more than enough to boost your immune system and to make it able to defend itself and also defend your body and more particularly your skin from invaders and bacteria very easily.
You see, the problem with most people who suffer from bacterial or fungal problems on their skin is that they have weak immune systems, in other words, they get sick very easily!
By improving your immune system functions, you are not only going to help your skin, but help your overall body.
- The third one is helping your cardiovascular system.
Your cardiovascular system is also going to benefit a lot from green tea, and you may be asking yourself why should you care about your cardiovascular system when you only want to help your skin?!
Well, you shouldn't ask such a question because your cardiovascular system, if it's healthy, means that your heart is going to pump highly oxygenated blood into your skin, in other words, you are going to increase blood circulation in your skin which is going to bring more oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, which is going to help them defend themselves and also replicate and divide healthily, in other words, with time, you are not going to suffer from premature aging symptoms and you will always have fantastically beautiful skin.
Green tea is in fact very powerful when you are suffering from high cholesterol which is going to clog your arteries as it's going to prevent oxidation and thus it's going to prevent it from getting stuck to your arterial walls!
- The fourth use of green tea for your skin is getting rid of pimples.
As mentioned before, using green tea topically is going to relieve fungal and bacterial problems very easily, and one of the most common ones are pimples, you have to understand that they are caused by huge bacterial colonies and sometimes even fungal ones dividing on your skin and munching on your healthy cells!
Just use the previous advice and apply green tea topically onto your skin, it will get rid of these problems quite easily.
- And the fifth one is lowering blood pressure healthily.
Of course, by lowering bad cholesterol in your system and by helping blood flow, green tea is also going to lower blood pressure to healthy levels, which is going to contribute to good blood circulation and also to nourishing and oxygenating your skin healthily, which is extremely important.
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