Can rosacea be cured?

Can rosacea be cured? The answer is no!

I'm sorry to say this, but in most cases, rosacea is a lifelong skin disease, and to this day, scientists are still unable to tell exactly why some people are going to get infected and others not!

Even worse, scientists don't have an immediate answer to the following question: can rosacea be cured!?

Well, when you ask a doctor, he will definitely tell you that rosacea can be managed, in other words, there are antibiotics, most importantly doxycycline and tetracycline, taken orally, that can help alleviate the problem and even get rid of most of the symptoms, but rosacea can emerge and happen at any time, in fact, you can never be sure whether you have it or not!

Are there any natural or homemade treatments for rosacea?

Unfortunately, I don't recommend relying on natural ingredients and homemade treatments in order to deal with rosacea, you have to seek proper medical care first, because throughout my experience as a hairstylist and beauty shop owner, a lot of women come to me with rosacea and tell me that they have been doing this and that, most importantly, herbs and oils, and with time, I just see their problems increase and their skin deteriorate!

However, the ones who seek proper medical care, and most importantly, the ones who follow their antibiotic shots and oral treatments, do better with time and most of them, if not the majority, simply get rid of their symptoms and have absolutely no recurrence of rosacea.

So, better seek proper medical care first, stop relying on homemade treatments, they will not help your situation.

Of course, there are some oils and herbal preparations you can apply that will soothe your skin's inflammations and also lower the symptoms a little, but unfortunately, they are not as efficient and as effective as antibiotics and other treatments your doctor is going to prescribe to you.

If you'd like to know more about them, I highly recommend that you check my other posts on using different herbs and oils, especially essential ones, for reducing rosacea symptoms and for moisturizing your skin efficiently, which helps in the healing process.

I don't want you to lose hope, rosacea can be managed very easily and can also be treated to some degrees because when you get rid of most of its symptoms, you are going to be in fact "cured", although it can happen and relapse at any time, don't worry, just forget about it and seek proper medical care, it's the best thing you can do for now.


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