Tea tree oil for dry skin

Tea tree oil is fantastically beneficial for dry skin, however, if you don't know how to use it, you are going to find yourself in a terrible situation and very quickly!

I say this because I have experimented with tea tree oil myself for a long time and I know that it can hurt your skin dramatically, so, you need to know how to use it the right way, otherwise, don't use it, please!

I say this because tea tree oil can be very powerful, especially if you are suffering from dry skin, and if you don't know what you are doing, you will end up hurting yourself! Badly!

I caused so many burning sensations and inflammations in my arms in the past by using tea tree oil directly on my skin, I don't want this happening to you, so, use the advice I'm going to provide to you in this post.

  • The first one is always avoid using tea tree oil directly onto your skin.

I know that I'm going to sound repetitive here, but it's the truth, tea tree oil is very dangerous if used alone and can cause lots of inflammations and even burn your skin!

So, always mix tea tree oil with carrier oil, and this is what I'm going to talk about later on.

  • Now, why do you get a dry skin in the first place?

It's because your sebaceous glands are either inflamed or are not producing enough sebum.

So, the best way to make sure that your skin is going to be moisturized and hydrated the right way is to unclog your sebaceous glands, and one of the best things to do so is to use tea tree oil, it's not only very safe, but it's also very beneficial for your whole skin as well.

Every day, I want you to use the following oil mixture:

In a dark glass container, take five tablespoons of argan oil and add to them one teaspoon of tea tree oil, mix everything very well and then apply to your skin on a daily basis.

This will not only reduce its dryness, but it will also increase its health and improve its resistance to diseases dramatically.

Now, what if your sebaceous glands don't produce enough sebum?

This has nothing to do with tea tree oil because this latter can only be applied topically, never try to ingest tea tree oil, you will end up very sick!

To get over this problem, I highly recommend that you consume the following foods on a daily basis:

Two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds, it's a must to get rid of your dry skin!

So, drink lots of water, at least three liters a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one before dinner, and at breakfast, I want you to ingest two large tablespoons of ground flaxseeds, they are essential and they will help improve your skin's complexion and moisturization a lot.


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