Apple cider vinegar for rosacea?

I'm not going to lie to you; I don't think that using apple cider vinegar for rosacea is a good idea! Here is why:

The first thing you need to understand about rosacea is that to this day, scientists don't know whether it's caused by bacteria, viruses, or funguses, and there are even some scientists and doctors who think that rosacea is an autoimmune/ inflammatory problem!

So, if you are thinking of using apple cider vinegar to get rid of rosacea, then you are making a huge mistake because rosacea simply doesn't go away by using home remedies!

A friend of mine, she is from France, had it for more than a year, she started using home remedies like different oils and even different wine products and vinegars, with no results, yet, when she started using antibiotics, especially tetracycline, orally, her rosacea simply slowed down and its symptoms almost disappeared.

She still has some inflammations in her skin, but they are not as strong in appearance as the ones she used to have in the past.

This is the reason why I'm telling you that using apple cider vinegar for your rosacea is simply a bad idea and you need to stay away from it.

It's true, if you are taking antibiotics and if you have already consulted a dermatologist and taking proper medication when it comes to your rosacea symptoms, then, you can use apple cider vinegar, mixed with warm water as a way to moisturize your skin, but trust me, apple cider vinegar is very powerful and is going to cause more inflammations than help if your skin is already damaged, so, stay away from using it and only rely on antibiotics, to this day, they are the best when it comes rosacea.

I'm sure that what I'm saying here is going to sound depressing and somehow fatalistic, but it's the reality, don't try home remedies when you already can use antibiotics that are going to get rid of the symptoms easily and almost completely, you will hate yourself afterwards when you find out that they don't work and that your home remedies have made the situation even worse!

This is a friendly advice: go to a dermatologist and ask him or her about the best remedies for rosacea and what antibiotics you can use, this is in my opinion the best way to reduce the symptoms healthy without risking further complications.

And if you have a question about using apple cider vinegar for rosacea, don't hesitate to ask me, I have used this amazing ingredient for a very long time and I know what to do and what to avoid.


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