How to reduce pimples on your face– tips for men

I'm going to share with you the best tips men can use in order to reduce pimples on their faces, they are very efficient and they will get rid of their spots and other skin problems very easily.

This post is for men because they have a slightly different skin than women, in other words, the recipes that are going to work for women are going to "be" weak when it comes to guys, and they are not going to be extremely efficient, this post is dedicated to guys.

So, the best ways in order to get rid of pimples for men easily is to use the following tips:

  • The first one is to cut down on dairy.

I know that this is going to sound childish and simply foolish to most of you guys, but it's very important.

Well, my husband used to have terrible acne for a very long time, in fact, he tried so many recipes and creams and nothing helped him!

This changed when he was riding the subway once, he was just sixteen, and two girls told him that in order to get rid of his pimples, he needed to stop drinking milk!

Well, he did, and after just two weeks, his acne pimples started disappearing!

So, would you like to get rid of your pimples?

Would you like to avoid dealing with them again?

Then, you need to start cutting down on dairy as much as possible, and this also includes cheese, yogurt, butter, milk, and even cream!

All dairy must be cut down and you will soon have a fantastic skin.

You may ask the following question: why is dairy bad for your skin?

Simply because it contains lots of saturated fats, bacteria, and hormones which are going to interact with your liver function and increase sebum production which is the reason why most people are going to get acne and other pimples, sebum is the fatty substance in your skin.

  • The second advice to reduce pimples on men's face is to use anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

This is by far one of the best tips you can use as a guy because it will not only reduce your pimples, but it will also make your skin look healthier and much more attractive.

It's very easy, you need the following oils:

In a dark glass container, mix two drops of tea tree oil with five teaspoons of argan oil and two drops of lavender oil.

Start using this amazing fatty acid mixture on your face on a daily basis, and it will reduce your pimples dramatically and within just the first few weeks.

This is very efficient because tea tree oil contains very powerful antibacterial agents which are going to limit bacterial activities in your face and thus reduce pimples and other acne spots very rapidly.

  • The next way to reduce pimples on your face as a man is to use a healthy mask.

Every week, don't be ashamed of this, I want you to apply a multani mitti mask to your face and this is how to prepare it:

Mix two tablespoons of multani mitti with two tablespoons of warm water, five drops of tea tree oil, and two drops of lavender oil, then, wash your face using lukewarm water and apply for forty-five minutes, then, rinse using lukewarm water again.

This will cleanse your face and also get rid of different materials which are clogging your pores. On the long run, using this tip is going to reduce your pimples dramatically.

Of course, there are other techniques you can use like toothpaste or baking soda, but as a man, they are not going to work efficiently for you because you have a much more different skin than women.

The next tip is amazing and will help you tremendously as well:

  • You should use garlic!

Garlic is definitely one of the best remedies you can use for your skin, especially if you are suffering from pimples. So, do as my husband did:

Every day, slice one clove of garlic and rub it on your pimples, when you are done, wait fifteen minutes and then wash your face using lukewarm water and you are done.

These are by far the best ways to reduce pimples on your face as a man, use them, they will help you a lot.

And of course, if you have a question, don't hesitate to post it in the section below, I will be more than happy to help you out.


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