My favorite tips to get clear skin

I'm not going to tell you things I don't use myself, in fact, the following tips to get clear skin I'm going to share with you have been used by me and a lot of my friends, and they are just fantastic and they will help you get rid of skin problems and even improve your complexion dramatically.

So, let's start.

  • The first tip to get clear skin is to drink lots of water!

Yes, this is one of the most basic tips you can find when it comes to getting clear skin; however, it's also one of the most essential ones.

Let me tell you a little story about myself:

When I was young, about sixteen years old, I had terrible skin, in fact, I also had terrible bladder infections!

Well, fast forward, after meeting my husband, I was still suffering from the same problems, when he suggested that my problems were the results of me not drinking enough water!

I didn't believe him at first, and I really thought that he was just teasing me!

Well, I saw what he was doing: drinking about four liters a day of water, so, I thought to myself that I have nothing to lose, in fact, back then, I was feeling extremely tired, so, I began drinking three liters a day of water, one in the morning, one before lunch and the other liter before dinner.

Soon, I realized that I was feeling great, in fact, my urine became lighter and it didn't smell as terrible as it used to!

Soon, my skin started to clear out and my complexion improved dramatically, when I told my husband about my urine, he simply told me that in the past, it was "highly concentrated" with toxins which were harming my bladder and my whole body as well, but by drinking water sufficiently, I got rid of most of these toxins every time I went to the bathroom!

This frees resources for my skin and for my whole body as well to develop and stay healthy and protected, and I want you to do the same: drink three liters a day of water, at least.

  • The second tip is to enjoy flaxseeds.

Flaxseeds, ground, are among the best foods you can eat not only for getting clear skin, but for also fighting cancers and heart disease.

In fact, there are a lot of studies that link ground flaxseeds consumption with low mortality, low cholesterol levels, and low cancer rates.

Well, I want you to realize the following idea about ground flaxseeds:

They are very rich in fibers, and these play a very important role because they increase bowel movements, in other words, you will go to the bathroom, number two, every single day and sometimes, twice a day, which is fantastic because it's going to get rid of many of the toxins you have in your intestines, especially if you are suffering from fungus infections like candida.

Well, this will again free resources for your hair and skin to develop and become really beautiful and have fantastic complexion as well.

Remember, two tablespoons a day of ground flaxseeds, they will definitely make your hair and skin look fantastic.

  • The third tip is to apply a good essential oil.

Whenever you have a skin issue, for example acne or pimples, I want you to use the following essential oil: rosehip oil!

It's one of my favorite, after argan oil, because it adds lots of benefits and protection to my skin and it's also very nourishing and get rid of most of the pimples and acne spots on my skin very rapidly.

Just mix one teaspoon of rosehip oil with one teaspoon of argan oil and apply to your affected area, in fact, I want you to use this oil blend on your face and exposed skin on a daily basis, it will nourish it from the outside and protect it tremendously, in fact, you are not going to suffer from pimples and other infections when you start using this oil mixture regularly.

Every Sunday, after I'm done taking a shower, I will apply about three tablespoons of this amazing oil mixture to my whole body, I will massage my skin from my toes to my forehead, and let me tell you that it is very healthy and my skin looks just amazing.

  • And the fourth tip to get a clear skin is to avoid dairy products and milk!

Of course, if you have to use only one advice from this post, please, be it this one!

My husband used to tell me how he had terrible acne when he was young, soon, he was suffering from terrible self-esteem and depression because of this, he could not talk to people and whenever someone talked to him, he would always imagine that he or she was looking at his acne spots and pimples!

One day, he was riding the bus when two girls, out of nowhere, told him that he should stop drinking milk and eating cheese in order to get rid of his acne!

My husband didn't understand what was going on, and sure enough, he tried it and within three weeks, his face nearly cleared out!

Well, I was drinking milk, a lot, on a daily basis, and it wasn't giving me lots of acne, however, when I heard this story, I said to myself that three weeks were not that big of a deal, so, I decided to cut down on dairy as well and within just two weeks, my skin looked amazing and my complexion cleared out in a fantastic way.

I want you to do the same, cut down on dairy, please; it will improve your skin and make it clear and much more beautiful.


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