Rosehip oil for eczema

Although many people are going to argue about the coming recipe, let me tell you that it's fantastic, and using rosehip oil for eczema is not only very efficient, but it will reduce inflammations and other symptoms very easily and quickly as well.

However, the thing you need to understand here is that eczema is still a mystery!

Scientists are still unable to tell for sure whether eczema is caused by an autoimmune condition or certain bacteria and funguses developing on your skin!

What's certain is that using rosehip oil on a daily basis is going to lower its symptoms dramatically, however, to fully get rid of eczema, you have to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, in other words, you have to lower inflammatory foods and beverages as much as possible, most importantly, sugars and excess fats, especially animal fats, they are the ones responsible for probably most of your skin problems.

Anyway, this is not the subject of this discussion; let me show you how you can use rosehip oil for eczema very efficiently.

Here are the ingredients you will need:

First of all, since you are suffering from eczema, you should never use a lot of rosehip oil directly onto your skin, you will just increase inflammations and pain, and you will most dangerously increase eczema symptoms dramatically, that's why I recommend using a carrier oil, an oil which is going to "carry" rosehip oil in small and healthy amounts to your eczema patches and scales.

So, from my experience, the most soothing and healing oil you can use for your skin is definitely argan oil, although it's a little expensive, I highly recommend that you invest in it, and please, always get organic rosehip and argan oil, if you don't, you are simply wasting your resources and doing harm to your skin since most other oils are going to be highly refined and preservatives are going to be added, which is just terrible!

  • So, here is the recipe you will need to follow:

Start first by using a dark glass container, preferably a dropper, to which you are going to add three tablespoons of argan oil and three teaspoons of rosehip oil, if you are still suffering from inflammations and problems in your skin, you can add two drops of tea tree oil to lower them dramatically.

Apply just some few drops onto your eczema patches and massage very gently every day, and within just two weeks, your symptoms are going to start slowing down and even disappearing, this recipe is guaranteed to work and is going to improve your skin a lot.

Please, if you need help about using rosehip oil for eczema, don't hesitate to ask me, I'm here to help you.


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