Tamanu oil for stretch marks

In this post, you are going to learn how to use tamanu oil for stretch marks, which is very easy and extremely beneficial for your whole skin as well.

I've read so many questions and comments from readers about using tamanu oil for stretch marks in other websites and forums, most were very inquisitive about the best way to use it, however, some of the answers to these questions were very disturbing, for example, a reader suggests using fish oil with some olive oil in order to get rid of stretch marks!

Well, if you use such advice, you are going to end up damaging your skin and your health as well!

I completely disagree with many techniques for using tamanu oil for stretch marks; however, the ones I'm going to share with you today are very healthy and extremely beneficial because me and my sister have tried it ourselves.

Most of the advice I've read neglected the most important component for reducing stretch marks: vitamin E!

Just have a look at the ingredients’ list in the most efficient products and recipes for reducing stretch marks, you will find that most of them have lots of vitamin E, which is not a surprise, in fact, vitamin E is very powerful when it comes to your skin, it doesn't only protect it, it also increases its glow and help healthy skin cells divide and increase their activities healthily.

So, to use tamanu oil efficiently for your stretch marks, you have to mix it with vitamin E, and this is what I'm going to talk about in this post.

Here are the ingredients you will need in order to make the best almond oil for stretch marks:

  1. One teaspoon of vitamin E oil, at least 30,000 UI

  2. One tablespoon of tamanu oil

  3. And three tablespoons of argan oil

Here, the focus is put on argan oil because it's very powerful against stretch marks, and it will make your tamanu oil richer and much more potent to reduce them quickly.

Mix all these ingredients in a dark glass container and every day, I want you to apply this amazing tamanu oil twice on your stretch marks, just use 2 to 3 drops on each individual one and massage very gently, of course, this depends on their size, if you are dealing with a very small mark for example, then, only use one drop, if it's large, you can use up to four.

Within three months of using this tamanu oil, your stretch marks are going to start seducing in size and depth and even disappearing.

Which is amazing.

Please, if you have a question about using tamanu oil for stretch marks, don't hesitate to ask me, I'm here to help you, use the section below:


  1. Can you use almond oil instead of vitamin E oil?

  2. Yes, it's a good idea in fact.

  3. can i still get good results if i apply this once a day?

  4. What's your skin issue? Yes, but I prefer that you stick to the instructions on this post as this oil blend can be a little too powerful. Good luck.


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