How to get perfect skin
Today, I'm going to share with you the most important steps, the ones I use, in order to get perfect skin, and although you may think that this is very difficult and may require a very long time, I disagree and I think that if you follow my steps, you are not only going to get the perfect skin, but you will also get the perfect health and body very quickly.
So, without further ado, here are the most important steps to get the perfect skin:
I wanted to write something remarkable and unique, but I couldn't, so, here is the plain truth: vegetables are your friends, they are filled with nutrients for your skin, most importantly, beta-carotene and other carotenoid elements that are extremely important for your skin's health and looks as well.
However, don't think that taking beta-carotene supplements is going to help you, it's not, this is simply foolish, because on the one hand, you have an immense source of various nutrients, ranging from vitamin K, B, A, C, E to huge amounts of antioxidants and on the other hand, you have a pill which has been scientifically proven to be dangerous for your body and to also cost a lot while not giving you anything for your skin.
I think it's simply foolish to go the other way and avoid eating your vegetables.
My favorite ones for my skin are carrots, and the mighty kale.
Every day, you should have at least one of these vegetables; it's a must to have a beautiful and perfect skin.
Yep, you need liquid sunshine and every day!
I'm sure that you are wondering what is liquid sunshine? Right?
Well, is vitamin D3, and I recommend that you have it in olive oil!
Yes, this is one of the few and rare supplements I'm going to recommend taking in order to have the perfect skin.
Vitamin D is not only very important to have the perfect skin, it's necessary to have a healthy and functioning immune system that's going to protect you and keep you safe from harm.
There are lots of studies done on cancer patients and even Alzheimer's which have proved that nearly all of them have very low vitamin D serum levels!
Avoid vitamin D deficiency, it's very dangerous.
So, every day, have 2000 UI of vitamin D3, in liquid form. My favorite is the one that comes in olive oil, just one drop will give me 2000 UI very easily and quickly.
Vitamin E is extremely important for your skin as well, it's the one responsible for lowering stretch marks, scars, and acne problems very easily, it's also extremely important if you would like to protect your skin and make it very elastic and strong.
However, most people don't get quality vitamin E, they consume lots of fats, but most of them are deficient in this important vitamin, that's why you will find a large majority of the population suffering from acne and other terrible skin problems!
The real solution to this is to go nuts, in other words, to enjoy nuts, to have walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, every single day!
Do as I do: every day, I have a handful of almonds, or walnuts, or peanuts, don't do too much, one kind of nut is more than enough to cover your vitamin E needs.
No, I'm not asking you to take drugs, I'm simply asking you to start supplementing with a very important mineral for your skin and your hair as well, it's called silica, and unfortunately, most people are deficient in this amazing nutrient.
Have you ever scratch yourself and noticed that your skin became bruised very easily?
Well, it's probably because it's deficient in silica and other nutrients.
That's why I recommend taking at least 100 milligrams a day of silica dioxide, preferably in the middle of a large meal.
By this, I simply mean that you should shift from refined carbohydrates, white flour for example, to whole grain products.
Trust me, although there are lots of negative talks around carbohydrates and the fact that they are dangerous for your health, most of them are simply biased and untrue, in order to nourish your body on a daily basis and in order to also give it a variety of nutrients including biotin and vitamin F, fibers, you need to consume whole grain products, daily!
They are not only important for your skin, they are extremely vital for your whole body as well.
In fact, if you are not an avid pooper, then, I'm sure that you have lousy skin!
Yes, you have read correctly, POOPER!
I go to the bathroom at least once every day, and trust me, it's huge!
I'm sorry to say this, but I have to be honest with you, if your body doesn't get rid of toxins in your system on a daily basis, and if your stools are not that "huge", then, you are deficient in fibers and your skin is probably lousy looking, with lots of dandruff, lots of pimples, and absolutely not attractive!
Trust me, you need to go whole, you need to start consuming whole grain products on a daily basis in order to have an amazing skin.
This is quite simple to understand, I don't want you to take daily showers, they are a menace to your skin, in other words, they are going to deprive it of dead skin cells which are going to feed the good bacteria on top of your skin, and after some few years doing this, your skin is going to start suffering from inflammations and even itchiness very easily!
It's simply because these bacteria don't have nothing to eat and munch on, so, they are going to reduce the number and be replaced by dangerous bacteria which are going to munch on you and release toxins that will be very dangerous for your overall health.
So, just take showers once or twice a week, it's more than enough.
So, without further ado, here are the most important steps to get the perfect skin:
- Step number one is eating lots of vegetables.
I wanted to write something remarkable and unique, but I couldn't, so, here is the plain truth: vegetables are your friends, they are filled with nutrients for your skin, most importantly, beta-carotene and other carotenoid elements that are extremely important for your skin's health and looks as well.
However, don't think that taking beta-carotene supplements is going to help you, it's not, this is simply foolish, because on the one hand, you have an immense source of various nutrients, ranging from vitamin K, B, A, C, E to huge amounts of antioxidants and on the other hand, you have a pill which has been scientifically proven to be dangerous for your body and to also cost a lot while not giving you anything for your skin.
I think it's simply foolish to go the other way and avoid eating your vegetables.
My favorite ones for my skin are carrots, and the mighty kale.
Every day, you should have at least one of these vegetables; it's a must to have a beautiful and perfect skin.
- Step number two is sunshine, liquid sunshine!
Yep, you need liquid sunshine and every day!
I'm sure that you are wondering what is liquid sunshine? Right?
Well, is vitamin D3, and I recommend that you have it in olive oil!
Yes, this is one of the few and rare supplements I'm going to recommend taking in order to have the perfect skin.
Vitamin D is not only very important to have the perfect skin, it's necessary to have a healthy and functioning immune system that's going to protect you and keep you safe from harm.
There are lots of studies done on cancer patients and even Alzheimer's which have proved that nearly all of them have very low vitamin D serum levels!
Avoid vitamin D deficiency, it's very dangerous.
So, every day, have 2000 UI of vitamin D3, in liquid form. My favorite is the one that comes in olive oil, just one drop will give me 2000 UI very easily and quickly.
- Step three is to go nuts!
Vitamin E is extremely important for your skin as well, it's the one responsible for lowering stretch marks, scars, and acne problems very easily, it's also extremely important if you would like to protect your skin and make it very elastic and strong.
However, most people don't get quality vitamin E, they consume lots of fats, but most of them are deficient in this important vitamin, that's why you will find a large majority of the population suffering from acne and other terrible skin problems!
The real solution to this is to go nuts, in other words, to enjoy nuts, to have walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, every single day!
Do as I do: every day, I have a handful of almonds, or walnuts, or peanuts, don't do too much, one kind of nut is more than enough to cover your vitamin E needs.
- Step four is to have some rocks!
No, I'm not asking you to take drugs, I'm simply asking you to start supplementing with a very important mineral for your skin and your hair as well, it's called silica, and unfortunately, most people are deficient in this amazing nutrient.
Have you ever scratch yourself and noticed that your skin became bruised very easily?
Well, it's probably because it's deficient in silica and other nutrients.
That's why I recommend taking at least 100 milligrams a day of silica dioxide, preferably in the middle of a large meal.
- Step five is to go whole.
By this, I simply mean that you should shift from refined carbohydrates, white flour for example, to whole grain products.
Trust me, although there are lots of negative talks around carbohydrates and the fact that they are dangerous for your health, most of them are simply biased and untrue, in order to nourish your body on a daily basis and in order to also give it a variety of nutrients including biotin and vitamin F, fibers, you need to consume whole grain products, daily!
They are not only important for your skin, they are extremely vital for your whole body as well.
In fact, if you are not an avid pooper, then, I'm sure that you have lousy skin!
Yes, you have read correctly, POOPER!
I go to the bathroom at least once every day, and trust me, it's huge!
I'm sorry to say this, but I have to be honest with you, if your body doesn't get rid of toxins in your system on a daily basis, and if your stools are not that "huge", then, you are deficient in fibers and your skin is probably lousy looking, with lots of dandruff, lots of pimples, and absolutely not attractive!
Trust me, you need to go whole, you need to start consuming whole grain products on a daily basis in order to have an amazing skin.
- Step six is to stink!
This is quite simple to understand, I don't want you to take daily showers, they are a menace to your skin, in other words, they are going to deprive it of dead skin cells which are going to feed the good bacteria on top of your skin, and after some few years doing this, your skin is going to start suffering from inflammations and even itchiness very easily!
It's simply because these bacteria don't have nothing to eat and munch on, so, they are going to reduce the number and be replaced by dangerous bacteria which are going to munch on you and release toxins that will be very dangerous for your overall health.
So, just take showers once or twice a week, it's more than enough.
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